Does PMO stop muscle gains?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by delorianzfake, May 18, 2024.

  1. delorianzfake

    delorianzfake New Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure if i can say this, but im still a teen, 15yo.
    I workout at home, im trying so hard to stop PMO, my longest streak was 1 week and that was in 2023. i started to discipline myself to workout at home with some adjustable 10kg dumbbells. I do pushups, bicep curls, etc. I just eat what my mom cooks. i have been working out for atleast 3-6 months consistently (1year if im counting the very inconsistent months). I'm afraid if i relapse i lose my progress, and i feel like im sort of in a plateau right now, cant max out my dumbbells, im stuck at 7. so can you guys tell me if PMO does hinder muscle gains (or mess up hormones like testosterone), and are there any tips? thanks.
  2. Arcticfreedom

    Arcticfreedom Fapstronaut

    Common sense -> less androgen receptors is less free testosterone getting used.

    Who else tells you its a lie dont listen to to them, i listened 7 years to those "people" and nearly lost my life due them.

    Dont go hard on workouts on your body with those absurbs amount of weight because i did that and no gains, only during nofap i couldnt believe what im seeing lol.

    Check out what nucleus overload is.
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