What is the difference between urge and libido? If I have the desire to have sex with my partner, is it an urge? I see that as a libido, and perfectly ok... I'm not sure if having sex with my partner helps me not relapsing after, because it has already happened that I relapsed, PMOing, somedays after having sex.
My wife does not always want to have sex in the same frequency that I do, and I respect that; I always thought that our "libido levels" are not the same. In general, I'm more in a mood for having sex than her. And that's very difficult for me to cope with, because I tend to use this as a rationalization for relapsing.
That doesn't mean, otherwise, that sex with her is only a "replacement". I really don't feel like that: I love when we have sex, and so does her (it seems to me, at least, lol). When we're having sex, I don't think of P, and it's way better than PMOing. However, when I relapse too frequently, I have more difficulty to O during real sex. It's complicated, but I never thought of our intimacy moments as a "replacement" for my urges. Instead, I always thought of it as the best and right way to release sexual tension and, other times too, as well, a moment to straighten our intimacy, our relationship. That has to be good for both of us.
So, reading the posts, I came to this doubt: what is the difference between libido and urges? What is libido? Is it satisfied after Oing? If I satisfy it with P it's an urge, and if I satisfy it with real sex is it ok, just a libido?
I think it's ok to feel sexual tension and want to release it, it's normal, biological; I don't think it's healthy for your brain to satisfy it with P, because of all the things we've already learned about in NoFap (how easy it is to get P nowadays and dopamine levels, etc). However I think it's ok to feel horn with your partner presence when you're feeling that sexual tension, and it's really good to satisfy it with your partner! It doesn't mean that I think of her as a replacement for P or that I love her less. There are different kinds of sexual desires, and I think it's healthy and so damn good to satisfy all of them with your partner; and I think that's how it should be, for both! If I start to rationalize and overthink if there is a "right way" to feel sexual desire towards my partner, I'll start to ruin it all, sex wouldn't be a relaxing, intimacy moment, but a rational thing. Feels like I'd turn into a machine if I start to rationalize too much about the sexual desire I have for my partner, wondering when it's "right" or "wrong".
Does anybody gets what I mean?