January 2015? Are we time-travelling or something?
If going back through time is not required, please count me in. I failed the challenge of December 2015, so I have to work harder on this one.
The journey is a long one. It may take years or never.
Those words can encourage or discourage, depending on your mindset.
Why do we masturbate in the first place?
Is it habit, or something lacking?
Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and
that your joy may be full."
"FAP" is a new word for me, never heard it before.
But why do we play with ourselves?
The root causes are many and everyone has their own unique story to tell about, sufficient to say that we lack the fullness of joy that completes our lives.
My beginnings started when my brother jerked me off when I was nine years old. It felt awkward and weird. He kept that up for 3 years until I was ready to start my distructive journey into the world of filth. It all feels good, but I felt guilty everytime I ejaculated.
I was a good little Pentecostal kid who was going on his merrily way until my brother (by the way, we have made peace with each other and I forgave him), who was going through his own crap, was missing a vital component in his life. Dad was giving him a rough time, beating him up all the time. He wanted Dads love, but Dad was not the emotional feely type dad. He was cold and unapproachable. I longed for my fathers love too and I got the same treatment. My brother went off got married and had children. I on the other hand, had absolutely ZERO desire for women. I liked guys. I was rewired. I looked at my brother as one who gave me the attention that my dad wasn't giving me, I turned to him for affections.
I am 48 years old and I still have ZERO desire for women. I still like men.
This may sound like a sad story, but there is more. I learned something some time ago.
Several years ago, I was laying on my bed. I flopped down on my back after working a hard day and as I was drifting off, I saw a man stand before me. It was Jesus. Never really saw His face, but I knew who He was. Anyway, as I was beholding Him, He motioned to me to look in another direction. Before me was a throne, but no one was sitting on it. Off to the side of the throne stood a figure shrouded in thick smoke, I could barely see beyond it, but what I saw was the similitude of a man. Jesus said, "I want to introduce you to your heavenly Father". I never knew Him really, I just knew Him as some scary God in whom if you sin, He was very angry and was ready to club you if you didn't live up to His standards.
What I saw was nothing of the sort. He shrouded in mystery because that is His nature. He doesn't reveal Himself openly but through people, places and things. Like what Christ said, "If you've seen Me you've seen the Father". This tells me that what Jesus was speaking and doing the Father was speaking and doing the works.
I wanted my Dad, but I got something a whole lot better. From that day forward, my mind had to be reprogrammed into thinking differently about God. I literally could write a book on the discoveries that I have found about God and His love for the believer, the world, and whom the Church thinks that God does not love.
But, reading this one would surmise that I am living above sin. I wish. lol
I still masturbate from time to time, and I give thanks to the LORD for doing it. Yes, I give thanks. Sounds unorthodox doens't it?
Paul tells us to give thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.
I can't help it if he wasnt' specific. He said, "All things".
I came to this discovery while I sat at my table looking out the window in sheer disgust with myself that I had failed God after I had just masturbated. I said, "LORD, I don't know what to do, I just don't know. All I know to do is to be thankful and I am going to give you thanks for masturbation and homosexuality. I haven't the power to change my ways, but I know you are able. I know it's unortodox and I know every Christian will reject what I am saying, but I am giving thanks anyway".
From that moment on, a wieght had lifted off my shoulders. I was no longer carrying this burden. I masturbate from time to time still yes, but it's not the same as before. I talk to my Father every day about everything and everything.
The first Adam ran and hid from God. The second was exposed to the world on the cross. We are exposed to God, why hide? Lets talk to Him about it.
So much more to share here, much much more, but I got to get work, sheesh.