For some reason on a NoFap No PMO streak I began two days ago now it is almost two days. I’ve had these feminine fantasies and desire to act feminine from day 1 but haven’t acted on it. For example since day 1 I’ve had an irrestistible urge to wear a pink scarf. Now it’s day 2 and I had this wonderful dream where me and a bunch of school friends I know got told we had to dress up in dresses for the high school prom. So I put on some teal coloured short shorts and I felt like I was really wearing short shorts and it felt really good. While my friends were wearing blue skirts. And we were walking around this house avoiding Jabba the hut (I was watching Star Wars last night) and his friends from the movie Home Alone. And there was this girl with us and she was waxing her legs and I was watching her shave her legs but she didn’t know to so she started shaving and I was imagining myself as her and omg it felt amazing having smooth legs!! And then she’s like I’ll show you what it’s like to look good and then as we were walking over to the dance the dream tragically ended. Just as I wrote that last sentence these sissy urges faded a little bit. What’s happening to me? Edit: just relapsed and fapped. Crap. Just as I hit 2 days in a long time and I fapped. I want to go on a deserted island somewhere and live there for a week.
In this forum I once was told that that sissy filth im also into uses tricks to persuade you you are not a man. But, in fact, you are. The sissy hypnosis tries to attack your insecurities as a man to make you fall, but is more easy to beat the sissy thoughts and gifs knowing that is just a cheap hoax. Keep fighting, and avoid every sissy shit content. As soon as you get rid of it, your mind will focus in other stuff and you will get aroused as a normal man.
Very true. When I was about your age – 19 years old, I first became addicted to sissy filth (I like this name) when I began to watch it and I thought that simply staying off the sissy filth would be enough to quit. How wrong was I. I was addicted for 2 years. As long as the neural reward pathway for addiction in your brain exists you’ll keep on watching sissy filth and relapsing. You have to starve it with no PMO and eventually they will cease to exist and you’ll be free. Otherwise if you keep giving your addictive brain what it wants - dopamine from O’s even sissy filth won’t be enough and you’ll resort to much more extreme things that will kill you like sissy filth almost did me. I almost lost my life due to sissy filth. I wish I knew this information when I was 19 years old and immediately started No PMO.
Sex dreams are a common occurrence during a reboot. Don't be discouraged by them. You'll feel either really shitty or really horny after, but it means the reboot process is working. Check out these sites and more on Your Brian on Porn (YBOP) to learn more about porn addiction, fetish development, rebooting, and rewiring