Embarking on eternal quest


New Fapstronaut
Hello everyone I'm a 19y old boy who lost his way for 7 years now and had a chance to change it after reading quit porn and become rich. I was simply blown away by how much i could relate. I can't thank author enough to bring light to what truth is. I hope everyone here accomplish what they are here for and NEVER AGAIN IN THERE LIFE SUCCUMB TO SUCH FICKLE PLEASURE including me. I wish you all luck and prosperity. See you soon.

Ps: i will write how my quest went on daily basis here and of course you can also.
Day 1
I felt very frustrated and saw mild porn
Then i did some self analysis and cracked the algorithm it is as follows
Casually checking my phone ----> wasting time by checking any updates on social media, messages, emails, telegram.....
----> then reading them / scrolling ------> wanting something thrilling (as in naked women) -------> after few minutes searching for erotic material -------> getting pleasure --------- then usual pmo and guilt trap later
Note --------> fortunately i stopped @ erotic material

Only checking my mobile for important/ work related work and MEDITATE TO CONTROL MY MIND

THANK YOU and see you tomorrow with new streak
Never giving in never going back