Embrace your weakness


Hello bros, I wanted to share with you a thought that ran through my mind today. I am practicing yoga to try to recover from a knee injury that I did while practicing running, and there is a very demanding stretching exercise for me as it hurts a lot. I always tried to avoid it or spend as little time as possible doing it because of the pain, but today I tried to relax and spend more time with that pain. What happened was that I adjusted to that pain and he no longer represents a challenge or an enemy for me, I already know him. I believe that we must embrace our pains and weaknesses in order to overcome them, running away is useless. Running one more km, stretching a little more, studying a few more minutes, reading one more chapter ... all these actions teach us that when the brain says I can't, it's not true. It is training the mind to enter the unknown and conquer oneself.
a hug brothers