Ending Femdom / Other Compulsive Behaviors


New Fapstronaut

Hate to admit it, but I have an issue with femdom/findom. I (unfortunately) found out about this whole fetish years ago on Twitter. And ever since, I've been paying girls online for a while now. I would admit that I have developed a few "healthy" friendships through that, but a major problem is, there are times where I've 'paid' someone to 'humiliate' me online and regretted it deeply minutes later. It happens every month or so. And being honest, I lost someone super important to me due to an urge like this right before COVID.

Another issue I have is a "feet fetish". Or an obsession with girls stepping on insects/other things. How do I get rid of it or at least how do I not fall into a compulsive action on talking about it with random people?
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Hate to admit it, but I have an issue with femdom/findom. I (unfortunately) found out about this whole fetish years ago on Twitter. And ever since, I've been paying girls online for a while now. I would admit that I have developed a few "healthy" friendships through that, but a major problem is, there are times where I've 'paid' someone to 'humiliate' me online and regretted it deeply minutes later. It happens every month or so. And being honest, I lost someone super important to me due to an urge like this right before COVID.

Another issue I have is a "feet fetish". Or an obsession with girls stepping on insects/other things. How do I get rid of it or at least how do I not fall into a compulsive action on talking about it with random people?

I too have a BD_SM fetish. You can read about it in my journal: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/ulysses-resists-ongoing-journal.356154/page-2#post-3727523
I would suggest first, cutting off your access. Refuse to contact any of the people you have acted out with, delete their numbers. Remove your apps, phones, computers, install filters, whatever you can do. I like Covenant Eyes because it can send screens to your accountability partner.
Next get some sobriety. The benefits are real. The more sober time I have the more clearly I think about all these issues.
As you see in my post, I like to look at the root causes of my fetishes. Why am I drawn to this? What were the my childhood wounds that I may be acting out here, or maybe trying to compensate for?
Decide once and for all you are done with these fetishes. Turn your back and say it's not for me.