Hey. Don't know about you guys, but the more I discover about my porn addiction, the more I discover about my wider personality as a whole. I've come to realise that such a big fuel for this whole situation has been this overwhelming desire for escape from day to day struggles. This has left me feeling really detached from so many areas of my life.
Rather than confront all these different spheres, Porn has been a 'safe space' to escape to - and once that 'space' is removed, life in its magnificence and with all its difficulties takes its place. I'm slowly 'rediscovering' parts of me I forgot existed.
Anyway, what I was wondering is - does anyone know of good, scientific and psychological literature on areas of 'Escapism' or 'Escapism through addiction'. Did a brief google search and couldn't see anything that looked like it was decent quality and well-founded. Are there any other related books that would be of interest? Just ordered Gary Wilson's book on porn, so that's a start.
Thanks for the help.
Rather than confront all these different spheres, Porn has been a 'safe space' to escape to - and once that 'space' is removed, life in its magnificence and with all its difficulties takes its place. I'm slowly 'rediscovering' parts of me I forgot existed.
Anyway, what I was wondering is - does anyone know of good, scientific and psychological literature on areas of 'Escapism' or 'Escapism through addiction'. Did a brief google search and couldn't see anything that looked like it was decent quality and well-founded. Are there any other related books that would be of interest? Just ordered Gary Wilson's book on porn, so that's a start.
Thanks for the help.