STARTING OUT: To succeed one must know the true value of failures! Whether we just start out on this journey or have started and failed countless times, you must always be aware of the mistakes you have made and make sure to make a tiny change to your daily schedule to train your mind of not repeating it. word of advice: keep a journal so that you realise what caused you to make this mistake (ie. stress, loneliness, boredom, relationships etc). Then write down the solution to that mistake.
For example, if going to bed with electronics makes you commit the act, then from today put the electronics away from your room when you go to sleep. Little by little you must train you mind to figure out tricks to better handle the situation. You see the problem isn't that there is too much access to anything the problem is that every time life throws you a curveball, you decided to escape from it to your sanctuary. Tell your self that from now on, I will committ to improving my mind such that any situation life throws at me, I will not run away, I shall take the pain and have a stronger mind than to run to a false sense of sanctuary! The ultimate goal of this forum and your life I believe is that you must be able to face any situation life throws at your mind (ie. boredom, hatred, loneliness, sorrow, anger, frustration) and not be affected by the external force. As through practise, witting countless mistakes and solutions in your journals, you will develop such a mind that nothing it the WORLD will be able to touch the greatness that lies within you!
YOUR WEAPON: I feel the best advice anyone has given me is that when the thought comes to commit the deed, you must close your eyes and let those thoughts come, Do not move a muscle until those thoughts have gone and tell your self I am finally on my way to mastering my MIND such that I can face any situation in the world. This is process known as desensitisation, but you are also becoming SELF AWARE (not controlling your thoughts but saying to yourself that you are way stronger than them).
About me: my mind was too weak as a child (age of 12 was my start). I had a whole group of bullies attacking me, friendships shattered, relationships broken all because I chose to run away anytime trouble knocks my door. I am 26 now and I can safely say that everyone grows from this journey internally, they become mentally strong. I am still working on facing all of the world's problems and have gotten way better than I was at age 12. I can safely say that I am honestly super thankful to this journey, I am thankful for the countless failures, I am thankful for the countless times I felt frustrated and angry that my mind had not evolved yet, because today I stand with a clear GOAL which is to improve my mind and keep improving it to face any situation given to me by life! I am stronger now that I look back and I never want to stop this improvement as it is the key to evolution and survival! My biggest motivation to become a better person was by watching the show NARUTO, the little dude faced almost the same situations as me as a kid, but he was always strong and always fired back regardless of the circumstances because HE WILL NEVER GIVE UP, NO MATTER WHAT!! So please, I encourage you all to never give up improving on your self as this lesson will not only help you in this community, it will help you to MASTER ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE!
Sorry for rambling, this is one of those days where I felt like reflecting on the times bout my mind as a kid, all the lessons I have learned to make my mind stronger and how I can help people like me to do the same! And for those of you that are saying that I have failed thousands of times or complaining that there is too much out there, I believe one truly achieves what one truly desires! I have to sit and stare at a computer screen for 14hours a day, if I can do it so can you, the failures are a stepping stone to success only if you take the time to 1. learn from them (ie. take notes, and change a little bit in your daily routine to help you out) and 2. train your mind one stone at a time, one tiny change at a time. Fail to your hearts content ONLY to learn from the failures and make your mind stronger.
I know I am no means a master of this forum as I have just started, but these are the things my mind has learnt through 14 years and I am happy to pass on and help anyone along the journey!
For example, if going to bed with electronics makes you commit the act, then from today put the electronics away from your room when you go to sleep. Little by little you must train you mind to figure out tricks to better handle the situation. You see the problem isn't that there is too much access to anything the problem is that every time life throws you a curveball, you decided to escape from it to your sanctuary. Tell your self that from now on, I will committ to improving my mind such that any situation life throws at me, I will not run away, I shall take the pain and have a stronger mind than to run to a false sense of sanctuary! The ultimate goal of this forum and your life I believe is that you must be able to face any situation life throws at your mind (ie. boredom, hatred, loneliness, sorrow, anger, frustration) and not be affected by the external force. As through practise, witting countless mistakes and solutions in your journals, you will develop such a mind that nothing it the WORLD will be able to touch the greatness that lies within you!
YOUR WEAPON: I feel the best advice anyone has given me is that when the thought comes to commit the deed, you must close your eyes and let those thoughts come, Do not move a muscle until those thoughts have gone and tell your self I am finally on my way to mastering my MIND such that I can face any situation in the world. This is process known as desensitisation, but you are also becoming SELF AWARE (not controlling your thoughts but saying to yourself that you are way stronger than them).
About me: my mind was too weak as a child (age of 12 was my start). I had a whole group of bullies attacking me, friendships shattered, relationships broken all because I chose to run away anytime trouble knocks my door. I am 26 now and I can safely say that everyone grows from this journey internally, they become mentally strong. I am still working on facing all of the world's problems and have gotten way better than I was at age 12. I can safely say that I am honestly super thankful to this journey, I am thankful for the countless failures, I am thankful for the countless times I felt frustrated and angry that my mind had not evolved yet, because today I stand with a clear GOAL which is to improve my mind and keep improving it to face any situation given to me by life! I am stronger now that I look back and I never want to stop this improvement as it is the key to evolution and survival! My biggest motivation to become a better person was by watching the show NARUTO, the little dude faced almost the same situations as me as a kid, but he was always strong and always fired back regardless of the circumstances because HE WILL NEVER GIVE UP, NO MATTER WHAT!! So please, I encourage you all to never give up improving on your self as this lesson will not only help you in this community, it will help you to MASTER ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE!
Sorry for rambling, this is one of those days where I felt like reflecting on the times bout my mind as a kid, all the lessons I have learned to make my mind stronger and how I can help people like me to do the same! And for those of you that are saying that I have failed thousands of times or complaining that there is too much out there, I believe one truly achieves what one truly desires! I have to sit and stare at a computer screen for 14hours a day, if I can do it so can you, the failures are a stepping stone to success only if you take the time to 1. learn from them (ie. take notes, and change a little bit in your daily routine to help you out) and 2. train your mind one stone at a time, one tiny change at a time. Fail to your hearts content ONLY to learn from the failures and make your mind stronger.
I know I am no means a master of this forum as I have just started, but these are the things my mind has learnt through 14 years and I am happy to pass on and help anyone along the journey!
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