It’s super easy to join, but it might cost you.
You’re 16, so if you have a license and your parents are willing to pay for it, it’d be great for you and would help your NoFap journey too when it comes to discipline and becoming more healthy and fit and happy in general. Just google “Jujutsu near me” or “Tae Kwon Do near me” with your zipcode.
If the places near you are too expensive, I highly recommend working out.
Check if the the apartment complex or housing community you live in has a gym, they all have weights (in the form of barbells or dumbells) and treadmills most of the time.
If there’s not one in walking distance, I just got a pull up bar. You can find one Amazon which you can get for $20 and put in virtually any doorway. Once you have that you can start doing daily bodyweight circuits and routines.
Remember if you do any of this, it’s essential to take 2-3 rest days a week, get 8 hours of sleep, and eat food with protein (meat, eggs, or protein shake) after you workout. You will NEED it.
That’s what makes fitness such a keystone habit. It forces you to pickup a bunch of other healthy habits in proximity almost outta necessity. I recommend it to everyone, it’ll change your whole damn life.