Trying NoFap for 2 years have helped. In the beginning I masturbated every night, several times per night. I was fat, depressed and lonely. Back then I was fapping 2-3 times per day everyday. After long days at uni, the main event was eating a huge meal, and then fapping in the dark all by myself. The turning point was during a sleepless lonely night, roaming porn sites and fapping like crazy. That was rock bottom.
The longest streak is 27-28 days without PMO, and is short compared to some people in this place. I remembered I was furious the last 7 days or so on that streak. Really angry. Since the Christmas of 2018 the average fap rate is about 1 time per week or 1 time/10th day. That is OK and quite good. Compared to the first day I ever did NoFap - my legs were shaking.
This is the before list:
- I was fat
- I did not exercise
- Spending all time INSIDE
- I was lonely and shy
- My room was a mess
- I did not care about personal hygiene
- I never talked to girls
This is the after list (this point in time):
- Have lost weight. About to start intermittent fasting (IF)
- Exercising. Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE
- Being outside in the nature
- Room and house in order
- Got a job for a company with a GREAT reputation
- Able to talk with people. The conversations seems to get a better and better "flow", while the conversations seems to stop earlier. Also more confident and speaking my mind.
- Mostly self-disciplined
- Cleaning and organize my room 10-20 min every day, to keep the room clean.
Improvement list for the future:
- Cut social media use by 80-90%. The question is how.
- I have lost some of the steel discipline, I am aiming to gradually ramping that up againg. The attack plan is to study 8-10 h 5 days per week consistently. And also focus better while studying. That is: Not getting distracted by e-mails, social media and negative thoughts. Push that until the evenings. It is good to put worry, social media and dinner off in a 1-2 hour session every day, like 6-7 pm and then exercise/socialize the rest of the evening - in an ideal world maybe (?).
- Get the body moving in the evenings. High-medium-low intensity training.
- Watch less Youtube.
- Exercise more regurarly and with a good plan. Stick to the plan. The exercises should be more about balance, stability, core strength, flexibility, rather than just lifting weights. Take care of the body.
- Don't be a loner - to get even 1 good friend is gold, several friends is better.
- I feel I can't rely on getting a loyal wife - like that will not happen. I wish it was possible, I will keep my eyes open, but until then I feel the best thing to do is to focus on education, career, getting in proper shape and getting those friends.
- Stop eating gluten, milk, sugar and highly processed food. Eat healthy and natural foods like meat, fish, vegetables, potatos, rice, fruit, berries, coffee, you name it.
-thinking less, doing more. Make a realistic plan, and follow that with some very defined boundaries on what to spend time doing, and not spend time doing.
I am not aiming for the long streaks - yet. NoFap indicates improvement in life, or is it other circumstances? A plan to get an ordered life might be: Study 8-10 h/5 days per week over a long periode of time, eat healthy and exercise, socialize more - become a valuable friend and stop wasting time in social media and youtube.
Trying NoFap for 2 years have helped. In the beginning I masturbated every night, several times per night. I was fat, depressed and lonely. Back then I was fapping 2-3 times per day everyday. After long days at uni, the main event was eating a huge meal, and then fapping in the dark all by myself. The turning point was during a sleepless lonely night, roaming porn sites and fapping like crazy. That was rock bottom.
The longest streak is 27-28 days without PMO, and is short compared to some people in this place. I remembered I was furious the last 7 days or so on that streak. Really angry. Since the Christmas of 2018 the average fap rate is about 1 time per week or 1 time/10th day. That is OK and quite good. Compared to the first day I ever did NoFap - my legs were shaking.
This is the before list:
- I was fat
- I did not exercise
- Spending all time INSIDE
- I was lonely and shy
- My room was a mess
- I did not care about personal hygiene
- I never talked to girls
This is the after list (this point in time):
- Have lost weight. About to start intermittent fasting (IF)
- Exercising. Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE
- Being outside in the nature
- Room and house in order
- Got a job for a company with a GREAT reputation
- Able to talk with people. The conversations seems to get a better and better "flow", while the conversations seems to stop earlier. Also more confident and speaking my mind.
- Mostly self-disciplined
- Cleaning and organize my room 10-20 min every day, to keep the room clean.
Improvement list for the future:
- Cut social media use by 80-90%. The question is how.
- I have lost some of the steel discipline, I am aiming to gradually ramping that up againg. The attack plan is to study 8-10 h 5 days per week consistently. And also focus better while studying. That is: Not getting distracted by e-mails, social media and negative thoughts. Push that until the evenings. It is good to put worry, social media and dinner off in a 1-2 hour session every day, like 6-7 pm and then exercise/socialize the rest of the evening - in an ideal world maybe (?).
- Get the body moving in the evenings. High-medium-low intensity training.
- Watch less Youtube.
- Exercise more regurarly and with a good plan. Stick to the plan. The exercises should be more about balance, stability, core strength, flexibility, rather than just lifting weights. Take care of the body.
- Don't be a loner - to get even 1 good friend is gold, several friends is better.
- I feel I can't rely on getting a loyal wife - like that will not happen. I wish it was possible, I will keep my eyes open, but until then I feel the best thing to do is to focus on education, career, getting in proper shape and getting those friends.
- Stop eating gluten, milk, sugar and highly processed food. Eat healthy and natural foods like meat, fish, vegetables, potatos, rice, fruit, berries, coffee, you name it.
-thinking less, doing more. Make a realistic plan, and follow that with some very defined boundaries on what to spend time doing, and not spend time doing.
I am not aiming for the long streaks - yet. NoFap indicates improvement in life, or is it other circumstances? A plan to get an ordered life might be: Study 8-10 h/5 days per week over a long periode of time, eat healthy and exercise, socialize more - become a valuable friend and stop wasting time in social media and youtube.