Experiences with NoFap after two years


Trying NoFap for 2 years have helped. In the beginning I masturbated every night, several times per night. I was fat, depressed and lonely. Back then I was fapping 2-3 times per day everyday. After long days at uni, the main event was eating a huge meal, and then fapping in the dark all by myself. The turning point was during a sleepless lonely night, roaming porn sites and fapping like crazy. That was rock bottom.

The longest streak is 27-28 days without PMO, and is short compared to some people in this place. I remembered I was furious the last 7 days or so on that streak. Really angry. Since the Christmas of 2018 the average fap rate is about 1 time per week or 1 time/10th day. That is OK and quite good. Compared to the first day I ever did NoFap - my legs were shaking.

This is the before list:
- I was fat
- I did not exercise
- Spending all time INSIDE
- I was lonely and shy
- My room was a mess
- I did not care about personal hygiene
- I never talked to girls

This is the after list (this point in time):
- Have lost weight. About to start intermittent fasting (IF)
- Exercising. Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE
- Being outside in the nature
- Room and house in order
- Got a job for a company with a GREAT reputation
- Able to talk with people. The conversations seems to get a better and better "flow", while the conversations seems to stop earlier. Also more confident and speaking my mind.
- Mostly self-disciplined
- Cleaning and organize my room 10-20 min every day, to keep the room clean.

Improvement list for the future:
- Cut social media use by 80-90%. The question is how.
- I have lost some of the steel discipline, I am aiming to gradually ramping that up againg. The attack plan is to study 8-10 h 5 days per week consistently. And also focus better while studying. That is: Not getting distracted by e-mails, social media and negative thoughts. Push that until the evenings. It is good to put worry, social media and dinner off in a 1-2 hour session every day, like 6-7 pm and then exercise/socialize the rest of the evening - in an ideal world maybe (?).
- Get the body moving in the evenings. High-medium-low intensity training.
- Watch less Youtube.
- Exercise more regurarly and with a good plan. Stick to the plan. The exercises should be more about balance, stability, core strength, flexibility, rather than just lifting weights. Take care of the body.
- Don't be a loner - to get even 1 good friend is gold, several friends is better.
- I feel I can't rely on getting a loyal wife - like that will not happen. I wish it was possible, I will keep my eyes open, but until then I feel the best thing to do is to focus on education, career, getting in proper shape and getting those friends.
- Stop eating gluten, milk, sugar and highly processed food. Eat healthy and natural foods like meat, fish, vegetables, potatos, rice, fruit, berries, coffee, you name it.
-thinking less, doing more. Make a realistic plan, and follow that with some very defined boundaries on what to spend time doing, and not spend time doing.

I am not aiming for the long streaks - yet. NoFap indicates improvement in life, or is it other circumstances? A plan to get an ordered life might be: Study 8-10 h/5 days per week over a long periode of time, eat healthy and exercise, socialize more - become a valuable friend and stop wasting time in social media and youtube.
Trying NoFap for 2 years have helped. In the beginning I masturbated every night, several times per night. I was fat, depressed and lonely. Back then I was fapping 2-3 times per day everyday. After long days at uni, the main event was eating a huge meal, and then fapping in the dark all by myself. The turning point was during a sleepless lonely night, roaming porn sites and fapping like crazy. That was rock bottom.

The longest streak is 27-28 days without PMO, and is short compared to some people in this place. I remembered I was furious the last 7 days or so on that streak. Really angry. Since the Christmas of 2018 the average fap rate is about 1 time per week or 1 time/10th day. That is OK and quite good. Compared to the first day I ever did NoFap - my legs were shaking.
Great success for you. Congrats to that.
Trying to acchieve longer and even longer streaks is a challenging thing, but in the long run it works (as for my experience).
Trying NoFap for 2 years have helped. In the beginning I masturbated every night, several times per night. I was fat, depressed and lonely. Back then I was fapping 2-3 times per day everyday. After long days at uni, the main event was eating a huge meal, and then fapping in the dark all by myself. The turning point was during a sleepless lonely night, roaming porn sites and fapping like crazy. That was rock bottom.

The longest streak is 27-28 days without PMO, and is short compared to some people in this place. I remembered I was furious the last 7 days or so on that streak. Really angry. Since the Christmas of 2018 the average fap rate is about 1 time per week or 1 time/10th day. That is OK and quite good. Compared to the first day I ever did NoFap - my legs were shaking.

This is the before list:
- I was fat
- I did not exercise
- Spending all time INSIDE
- I was lonely and shy
- My room was a mess
- I did not care about personal hygiene
- I never talked to girls

This is the after list (this point in time):
- Have lost weight. About to start intermittent fasting (IF)
- Exercising. Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE
- Being outside in the nature
- Room and house in order
- Got a job for a company with a GREAT reputation
- Able to talk with people. The conversations seems to get a better and better "flow", while the conversations seems to stop earlier. Also more confident and speaking my mind.
- Mostly self-disciplined
- Cleaning and organize my room 10-20 min every day, to keep the room clean.

Improvement list for the future:
- Cut social media use by 80-90%. The question is how.
- I have lost some of the steel discipline, I am aiming to gradually ramping that up againg. The attack plan is to study 8-10 h 5 days per week consistently. And also focus better while studying. That is: Not getting distracted by e-mails, social media and negative thoughts. Push that until the evenings. It is good to put worry, social media and dinner off in a 1-2 hour session every day, like 6-7 pm and then exercise/socialize the rest of the evening - in an ideal world maybe (?).
- Get the body moving in the evenings. High-medium-low intensity training.
- Watch less Youtube.
- Exercise more regurarly and with a good plan. Stick to the plan. The exercises should be more about balance, stability, core strength, flexibility, rather than just lifting weights. Take care of the body.
- Don't be a loner - to get even 1 good friend is gold, several friends is better.
- I feel I can't rely on getting a loyal wife - like that will not happen. I wish it was possible, I will keep my eyes open, but until then I feel the best thing to do is to focus on education, career, getting in proper shape and getting those friends.
- Stop eating gluten, milk, sugar and highly processed food. Eat healthy and natural foods like meat, fish, vegetables, potatos, rice, fruit, berries, coffee, you name it.
-thinking less, doing more. Make a realistic plan, and follow that with some very defined boundaries on what to spend time doing, and not spend time doing.

I am not aiming for the long streaks - yet. NoFap indicates improvement in life, or is it other circumstances? A plan to get an ordered life might be: Study 8-10 h/5 days per week over a long periode of time, eat healthy and exercise, socialize more - become a valuable friend and stop wasting time in social media and youtube.
Way to go bro.. Envision it, then make it happen..
I'm a tired masturbation addict who could go only 14 days of no pmo in 4 years of being in nofap. How could you make it to 30 days?
I'm a tired masturbation addict who could go only 14 days of no pmo in 4 years of being in nofap. How could you make it to 30 days?
The forum is full of ideas and methods. They are prooven to work for some people, for other they don't.
Did you try different ways?

And did you make up your mind, causes, what are your triggers, what are your resources, how do wish your sexual life to be,...
For me there were many questions to be solved before I made real progress on my way. Maybe this could help you, too.
I'm a tired masturbation addict who could go only 14 days of no pmo in 4 years of being in nofap. How could you make it to 30 days?

I'm a tired masturbation addict who could go only 30 days of no pmo in 4 years of being in nofap. How could you make it to 60 days?

I'm a tired masturbation addict who could go only 60 days of no pmo in 4 years of being in nofap. How could you make it to 90 days?