
So I have been using death grip for ~4 years since my early teens, and have spent most of the last 7 months PMO free. However, in the last 7 months I have had some binge relapses, about a couple of weeks before getting back on track. My penis is completely numb. Like REALLY numb. I can get a very partial boner that lasts under 30 seconds. I masturbated using death grip while I was mostly flaccid sometimes for 1-2+ hours at a time. I felt like I was starting to get partial erections and some occasional weak random erections/morming wood after my ~60 day streak, but its all gone after binging on occasion and a couple of weeks ago due to me taking my ADD med. I've realized my addiction goes hand in hand with my ADD med, and I finally stopping it for good. I am really concerned that I will never be able to have a regular erection, 18 and have never been with a woman. Will I be able to regain sensitivity, along with the ability to get a full erection? I can't even remember the last time I had a full erection. Any advice? Is the death grip damage permanent or will it go away with time / if so how long?

Any advice appreciated Thanks a lot!!
Medications can certainly cause these types of issues but if you have always taken that med and this problem is recent it’s unlikely the cause. It may not be actual physical numbness. I know this sounds a bit crazy but often it’s in your mind. True physical numbness is if you prick yourself with a pin and it does not hurt. You may have some decreased sensation but that’s not the same as being numb. Anxiety can cause a feeling of numbness as well. Stop all PMO no binging for 90days then see where you are.
@Calvin6285 ,

I don't like "Dr. Google" as it gets people in trouble more than it helps. If it is used as a starting resource that leads to a real doctor that went to medical school, then I think it's a good place to find out first information.

I googled, ADD medication and erectile dysfunction, and a host of sites came up with people complaining that their ADD medication causes ED.

For me, that would be enough of "Dr. Google" and I head over to my real life doctor that went to medical school. Don't stop your medication without a doctor telling you to. More importantly telling you how to stop the medication. In some cases going cold turkey can harm you.

Death grip does damage the nerves in the penis. But, to the extent you are saying it seems more likely the ADD medication is the bigger problem.

Make an appointment, talk to the doctor. Trust me, the doctor has heard it all, seen it all and won't be shocked.

@Calvin6285 ,

I don't like "Dr. Google" as it gets people in trouble more than it helps. If it is used as a starting resource that leads to a real doctor that went to medical school, then I think it's a good place to find out first information.

I googled, ADD medication and erectile dysfunction, and a host of sites came up with people complaining that their ADD medication causes ED.

For me, that would be enough of "Dr. Google" and I head over to my real life doctor that went to medical school. Don't stop your medication without a doctor telling you to. More importantly telling you how to stop the medication. In some cases going cold turkey can harm you.

Death grip does damage the nerves in the penis. But, to the extent you are saying it seems more likely the ADD medication is the bigger problem.

Make an appointment, talk to the doctor. Trust me, the doctor has heard it all, seen it all and won't be shocked.

Agreed about doctor google! I only commented because I dated two guys who had ADD and were on Ritalin and it did cause ED problems but only after they just started taking it or adjusted the dose. I mean that it’s not like they were on it for years and suddenly started having ED. If he’s just started the meds or had an adjustment then sure it’s likely the issue. But if he’s been on the meds forever and this issue just started it’s unlikely to be the cause. The flip side is men with ADD unmedicated often have bad DE due to being unable to focus.
So much resistance to doctors in these forums.
I think two reasons, first men are embarrassed to talk about this stuff with a doctor, some women are too. Second, the majority of medical providers don’t understand or believe in NoFap, porn addiction or masturbation so often the response they get is not helpful or more damaging.
Stop pmo 90 days, and try seeing a doctor.
I believe you have desensitized your male parts by your constant use of the death grip and with the combination of the P. PIED + death grip
So, go the entire 90 days of no pmo and see where you stand because every time you relapse before then you only give back the strength of the addiction pathways in your brain so you never really cure yourself of the PIED. and dont death grip anymore

I used to have bad PIED which I think, like you, was a combination of the death grip and the P. It took me one year to see my erection get bigger and only growing every year I try abstaining, but my erections are still weak. I am assuming once I stop PMO for a few months straight my erections will come back or maybe it will take a year of no PMO for at least 100% at this point? who knows, this addiction is too new with very few valid resources...

Also, are your ADD meds adderall? don't relapse or binge with that... probably doubles the damage
How long was it for you have no more ED after stopping? Most of my addiction was while I was on adderall binging so im worried about how long it will take to be able to actually have no more ED.
@Calvin6285 ,

I don't like "Dr. Google" as it gets people in trouble more than it helps. If it is used as a starting resource that leads to a real doctor that went to medical school, then I think it's a good place to find out first information.

I googled, ADD medication and erectile dysfunction, and a host of sites came up with people complaining that their ADD medication causes ED.

For me, that would be enough of "Dr. Google" and I head over to my real life doctor that went to medical school. Don't stop your medication without a doctor telling you to. More importantly telling you how to stop the medication. In some cases going cold turkey can harm you.

Death grip does damage the nerves in the penis. But, to the extent you are saying it seems more likely the ADD medication is the bigger problem.

Make an appointment, talk to the doctor. Trust me, the doctor has heard it all, seen it all and won't be shocked.

But is it really worth going to the doctor at this point or should i just give it time? Feel like doc would just give meds..
@Calvin6285 ,

Before I answer you question let me say this. I am not a doctor or any kind of medical professional.

after binging on occasion and a couple of weeks ago due to me taking my ADD med. I've realized my addiction goes hand in hand with my ADD med, and I finally stopping it for good.

But is it really worth going to the doctor at this point or should i just give it time? Feel like doc would just give meds..

I read the first quote above as saying you had stopped your ADD medication. But, after reading it again, I'm not sure if you meant you stopped your ADD meds or pmo.

I'm not sure why you are on ADD meds and I'm not sure if you think they help. But, these are issues your doctor can address.

Yes, most doctors love the 5 minute consultation. They come in you make one concern known, they adjust a medication, tell you to come back in 6 months and they make $100 - cha ching.

But, if a patient comes in prepared, the consultation normally goes very differently. I've learned to do two important things.

1. After the nurse takes temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc. I ask if I can have a copy of my lab work (if I had a blood draw for the visit). I ask to have it printed and given to me BEFORE the doctor comes in. These days, I actually see it on the doctor's portal first.

2. I write down my questions on a piece of paper. I use a sharpie so the questions are big and bold. I sit in a chair in the exam room, not the exam table. I put the paper with the questions on the exam table so the doctor can't miss them. Every doctor I've done this with has been positive about it. In fact, some take the paper and answer the questions first.

If your experience with doctors is bad - in other words, you feel as if they are just writing prescriptions for you and not listening - remember the visit is a two way street. You have to be your own advocate at any doctor's visit.

I said this before, unless told to by a doctor don't stop any medications. If you do stop medications, call the doctor's office and let them know you've done so.

Having ED at 18 years of age is a pretty good reason to want to lessen, change or stop any medication.

When you make your list of questions and topics for the doctor, write on there: When I take my ADD meds I have ED, when I don't take them I'm fine. That way the doctor knows what's happening. You don't have to say it and the doctor gets the information.

If my dick is that dead or injured I’m seeing somebody but discussing sexuality issues doesn’t bother me. I don’t see the same the same for many in the forums overall.
I asked my friend a sex therapist about NoFap before starting it and given she the pills hadn’t worked well for me she said it was worth a try. She has been pleasantly surprised by the results but thinks most of the changes come from no porn vs no masturbation as the science of porn usage impacting ED is much stronger than masturbation. She also think my anti depressant use is the biggest factor as do my primary doctor and urologist but none of three have been anti NoFap. They all feel being able to perform sexually is important for everybody.
My general trend has been 30 Days hard mode then one relapse, another 30 days relapse, etc since June so 5 orgasms in 5 months. I’m harder, erect longer, my erections are straighter, my orgasms more explosive, and I even pee better. I am also firmer during the day and have no soreness in the area.
I went to the doctor for this exact reason and he said the no sensitivity is due to me being circumcised at birth (which removes thousands of nerve endings and dries out your penis head which I'd supposed to be an internal organ not external so it's like cutting a dog's dick skin off letting it dry for years, also look up penis dekaratinization on Google images to see what happens...) and because of my masturbation since I was a kid. He said the ED is all in my head and that porn and low sensitivity is why I don't get turned on by girls anymore. He wouldn't prescribe me vi agra not even 1 so I could get fully hard again for once in years and fuck a girl then get my confidence back and not need Vi agra, just because I'm 18 and not an 80 year old man. "It's not likely that you have an actual deficiency" (ED is from me being nervous my first time and going soft then overthinking it every time after)