Extreme Libido



I have been doing NoFap on and off, doing streaks for a few days, then relapsing, on and off. Recently I was on a 6 day nofap streak. The urges started last night but I managed to sleep. Today, the urge was extremely strong. I got to the point where precum was DRIPPING from my penis. I had to release the urge. I've managed to cut out porn, so I simply sat down, and began fapping without it. Less than a minute with barely any stimulation, my nut exploded. As I write this, I can feel the prolactin making me feel very sleepy. I really want to stop fapping. But that urge was too overpowering.

Update: I've never felt this docile, I feel like I am entering a slumber. I feel like my brain is being flooded with prolactin.
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Don't give up. You can do this. It may take a while, but you will get control.

Next time you get the urge, try going 30 seconds without answering it. This is called delayed gratification and it teaches you a form of self discipline. After that, increase it to a minute. After that, five minutes, and so on, starting with the longest you can stand. Try that and see how long you can wait.
Hello FopimusMinimis! Welcome to the forum!

I would like to point out something that may or may not came to your mind. It's not really gonna answer your problem directly, but I hope that it would at least help you a bit.

Urges come and go. Sometimes- they are stronger; sometimes- not as strong. It's important to try and fight them. What I think is most important part of whole NoFap is your ability to be able to say NO when your urges hit you. Try to do something else in your free time so you don't have the time to even think about PMO-ing.
We are all different. I relapsed few days ago after 11 days of NoFap and I needed rough stimulation for extended amount of time so that I could orgasm. So, I am a bit of jealous of how fast you achieved your sensibility back!

What's important is that you keep trying. And, have this in mind: Before you started NoFap, you were, let's say, masturbating every day and you needed 20 minutes to orgasm. After you start NoFap, you are masturbating every 4 days and need around 0.5 minutes to orgasm.
After doing some math, we can come to conclusion:
600mins per one month(10 hours of masturbating per month)-aprox. 4 mins per one month=
9 hours and 56 minutes spent on things that are more important than pointless masturbating.

That is a beautiful achievement you have, FopimusMinimis! I hope that you will continue in your journey even stronger, so that you will be able to reduce your wasted time even more. But, at that point, it's not about time but more about positive changes that you gained by not spending hours in front of your PC/ phone doing monotonous up-down-up-down movement for just seconds of pleasure.

btw. I'm bad at math I hope I've done my calculations correctly

I have been doing NoFap on and off, doing streaks for a few days, then relapsing, on and off. Recently I was on a 6 day nofap streak. The urges started last night but I managed to sleep. Today, the urge was extremely strong. I got to the point where precum was DRIPPING from my penis. I had to release the urge. I've managed to cut out porn, so I simply sat down, and began fapping without it. Less than a minute with barely any stimulation, my nut exploded. As I write this, I can feel the prolactin making me feel very sleepy. I really want to stop fapping. But that urge was too overpowering.

Update: I've never felt this docile, I feel like I am entering a slumber. I feel like my brain is being flooded with prolactin.
Just wanted to chime in. Your body is used to shooting and will find creative ways to keep it going. Once our minds are locked in on "sex addict" mode, releasing becomes high up on list, right up there with breathing and eating. It is our addictions way of giving it one last chance to release before those pathways breakdown and your brain begins to heal. Please just remember that at the end of the day, ANY UNWANTED SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND URGE TO ACT IS YOUR ADDICTION TRYING TO TRICK YOU. DO NOT LET YOUR ADDICTION TRICK YOU.

I have been doing NoFap on and off, doing streaks for a few days, then relapsing, on and off. Recently I was on a 6 day nofap streak. The urges started last night but I managed to sleep. Today, the urge was extremely strong. I got to the point where precum was DRIPPING from my penis. I had to release the urge. I've managed to cut out porn, so I simply sat down, and began fapping without it. Less than a minute with barely any stimulation, my nut exploded. As I write this, I can feel the prolactin making me feel very sleepy. I really want to stop fapping. But that urge was too overpowering.

Update: I've never felt this docile, I feel like I am entering a slumber. I feel like my brain is being flooded with prolactin.

God, today was the worst day. I wanked three times. And I am also ashamed to admit this since I just said before I quit it, but I did it to porn the third time. Today was an utter failure. I have tried hard to tame this serpent, but it is too strong. Fuck you, I'm going to cut its head off. I am never going to masturbate or watch porn again in my life. Sick of this shit. Few seconds of pleasure over precious resources and potential success. No more.

God, today was the worst day. I wanked three times. And I am also ashamed to admit this since I just said before I quit it, but I did it to porn the third time. Today was an utter failure. I have tried hard to tame this serpent, but it is too strong. Fuck you, I'm going to cut its head off. I am never going to masturbate or watch porn again in my life. Sick of this shit. Few seconds of pleasure over precious resources and potential success. No more.
Just remember that the beginning is the hardest battle. Throughout responses ive posted on here i related beating this to putting a fire out. when you arrive to the scene of a fire, no ones first instinct is to figure out what caused it, its to put that damn fire out! In other words, in the very beginning you need to come up with an emergency plan. When i was stable and not experiencing an urge, i completely purged my life of everything that would lead me to relaspe; deleted sites off my favorite list, deleted apps off my phone. deleted phone numbers of booty calls, in other words i set myself up for success. You cant "kinda" be in recovery. You cant be recovering from this while still having your favorite porn sites on ur computer or your email accounts you have to help get your fix, you need to get rid of it all. Its a bigger step than you think, but in the event (or in my case multiple events) you catch yourself redownloading an app or visiting a site, you can conciously initiate an emergency plan. My emergency plan was to LITERALLY say in my head "get off the phone/computer" i would say it over and over until guilt of "cheating or reverting back to old ways" eventually took over and i put my phone down and left the room. i went on a walk, i cooked something, i went to a store, i visited a friend, i did something that got me out of thst situation. Come up with an emergency plan and be honest with yourself as to why you relapsed and make a corrective action to help it not happen again. Even if you put a porn blocker on, it helps. Yes you may know the password, but youll feel guilty when yiu are putting that password in; you will remind yourself why the porn blocker is on in the first place and it will still act as a hurdle you need to get through to get what you want but also it will buy you some time to conciuosly catch yourself from relapsing and allow you to make a healthier decision that will lead to the real result you want. I hope this helped
Control won't come with quitter talk like that. Start thinking about why you made those choices. DO NOT beat yourself up over it. Take some advice from jetscooled and cool it. It is NOT the end of the world. Now quit thinking irrationally* by saying that one failure out of many is the tipping point, or in your case, the de-tipping point :). Just hold on and remember that very few things worth having come easy. Have some faith my friend.
I have tried hard to tame this serpent, but it is too strong.
Your sex drive is strong, but not too strong. Your libido is significant, but not extreme. But talking in these absolutes, as you do, indicates that your addiction is, in effect, rationalizing. This means that you have addictive propaganda going on
in your head. So, you need to counter this internal dialogue and use some practical tips to help you gain some victories.
