Fantasies about real women… feels like a relapse??


I’m currently on day 39 of a hard mode reboot, and have noticed a few positive things. However, I’m starting to have very intense fetishes based fantasies about real women I used to see, my brain no longer thinks about porn but the temptation to masturbate to the thoughts of these women or to our kinky text conversations that are still saved on my phone is getting incredibly strong. (The upside is that for the first time in literal years I’m getting full blown erections just from thinking about girls, no touching myself, no porn etc required!) How does this fit into the greater process of healing/rebooting? Are these thoughts good/neutral as they have so little porn in them, or does the fetish aspect make them a potential issue?
I’m currently on day 39 of a hard mode reboot, and have noticed a few positive things. However, I’m starting to have very intense fetishes based fantasies about real women I used to see, my brain no longer thinks about porn but the temptation to masturbate to the thoughts of these women or to our kinky text conversations that are still saved on my phone is getting incredibly strong. (The upside is that for the first time in literal years I’m getting full blown erections just from thinking about girls, no touching myself, no porn etc required!) How does this fit into the greater process of healing/rebooting? Are these thoughts good/neutral as they have so little porn in them, or does the fetish aspect make them a potential issue?
This is what rebooting is all about.
I started to get this after about 5 days not back to 100% and still if I relapsed it was straight back to square one . The longer you stay away I would guess even if you relapse recovery would be much quicker. Not that that's what you want to do you don't because it's a slippery slope .

This is what you want . This is recovery. To real life stimulus real world and mental . Your never going to get images out of you mind . But those aren't really a problem those images are sex . Humans experiment in real life