Fapping without porn after a week of NoFap


So yesterday I fapped without P since the tension was too much and it was really painful. And I felt much better than I would have if i relapsed to porn. What are your thoughts on this? And during the week I felt like my sensitivity was awakened again which felt really good but I also struggled with a lot of intrusive thoughts (HOCD). I was heavily into transwoman P and that's why I chose this path of NoFap. Any advice on how to complete this journey would be really helpful! And if you could tell me how you got trough it would be really nice.

Best regards, Dave.
So yesterday I fapped without P since the tension was too much and it was really painful. And I felt much better than I would have if i relapsed to porn. What are your thoughts on this? And during the week I felt like my sensitivity was awakened again which felt really good but I also struggled with a lot of intrusive thoughts (HOCD). I was heavily into transwoman P and that's why I chose this path of NoFap. Any advice on how to complete this journey would be really helpful! And if you could tell me how you got trough it would be really nice.

Best regards, Dave.
Hey there bro!
I'm happy to hear that things are evidently getting better for you and i understand many people are different and will take time to heal their addiction in different ways however i truly believe hard mode is the best reboot and way of healing this addiction for good.
above is a link to a video explaining why hard mode is the best and most effective for you, if you're reductant on clicking the ink just search for the channel "Universal Man" and go to episode 2 of his sexual self mastery series where he explains it all in more details. Basically hard mode is no PMO (Porn Masturbation Orgasm). The basic points are that no matter which one of these you leave undisciplined will grow greater and greater until you're back where you started. Not to mention that the habit of reaching out for PMO to get away from reality will still be rooted in you. I VERY highly encourage you to watch that video as it goes into way more detail and will inform you further if not then give you a different perspective.
Hey man, thanks a lot for reaching out! I watched the video and it was really insightful, the only problem I have with hardmode is the blue balls? How do you deal with that?
Hey man, thanks a lot for reaching out! I watched the video and it was really insightful, the only problem I have with hardmode is the blue balls? How do you deal with that?
Ahhh blue balls my biggest nemesis, well it comes down really to self-awareness and self talk. i can share more with you but could i ask if there are any specific places when it happens, time frames or any frequent patterns you noticed? i kind of need to know some more since everyone is different ect
Ahhh blue balls my biggest nemesis, well it comes down really to self-awareness and self talk. i can share more with you but could i ask if there are any specific places when it happens, time frames or any frequent patterns you noticed? i kind of need to know some more since everyone is different ect

I see, well it started to hurt a bit around day 5 and then it got really bad after 7 days, yesterday and why I had to release it.
I see, well it started to hurt a bit around day 5 and then it got really bad after 7 days, yesterday and why I had to release it.
Alright i see. This might sound frustrating to you but it'll have to be the case of "try and adapt" where self-awareness is incredibly helpful. If i was you i would keep a calendar or a journal like this one to see around how many days you start to have very bad blue balls and organize something to compromise your relapse.
For example you said it got very bad at around day 7, so therefore you will put your phone of a very high shelf or hide it somewhere for example and not use it for a day (TIP: make sure what "a day" means to you so will it be from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep or maybe 9am - 10pm) I understand that not everyone has the ability to do that because of work however if that's not the case then this will prove to be very effective. Other tings you can do are set specific time frames for you to use electronics are one of my personal favorites is to plan your day. There are many ways you can plan your day however a basic way would be to plan events (work or fun) just to fill up your day and give you guidance.
  1. Do homework (2 hours)
  2. go out with friends (12:00 - 03:30)
  3. clean the house (1 hours)
  4. answer Emails (around 15 minutes)
  5. play games with friends (1 hour)
one tip for this method would be however to put activates which include electronics near the beginning/middle of your day as later in the day you might get tired and are more likely to relapse. Now to the main issue of blue balls which is most likely the pain, I'm not sure how it is for you but the pain/discomfort only lasts around the time the erection lasts and isn't really intense. So why do these methods work? They work because they put your mind on a fixed task and yes you will have blue balls and feel the discomfort but it will not last long if you focus on what you are ding and not triggering thoughts. If you have any questions ill be happy to answer
Well I dont work at the moment so I can pan my day however I want, I usually try to stay busy and spent time with my friends so I won't be in front of the screen all the time, cause thats where ew relapse. I must admit the the reason I chose to release it yesterday was because I thought it was not healthy to keep it in when it was that painful. As of right now I do not have a set plan, so that advice might be helpful to keep things in check. Again thanks a lot for your advice!
Ahhh blue balls my biggest nemesis, well it comes down really to self-awareness and self talk. i can share more with you but could i ask if there are any specific places when it happens, time frames or any frequent patterns you noticed? i kind of need to know some more since everyone is different ect

Blue Balls is not permanent bro. I had mine that was the last one on day 21 and never had any after that. To me blue balls only happened when I was with my GF and did not have any sex, Just hand shaking or kiss perhaps. But after day 21 I did not have any of it. Currently I am on day 40.
Blue Balls is not permanent bro. I had mine that was the last one on day 21 and never had any after that. To me blue balls only happened when I was with my GF and did not have any sex, Just hand shaking or kiss perhaps. But after day 21 I did not have any of it. Currently I am on day 40.
Yeah im well awear thanks
Ironically enough, I've had pretty bad anxiety/urges today and some pain down there came with it. Still, it only happened a couple times and only lasted a few minutes.

Well at least it was only for a few minutes, I was hurting for a whole day! Well, this time around I'm gonna see if I can resist because I do believe that the best effects will be gained on hard mode.