Feelings of Inadequacy/ Insecurity

Dim Meadow

Hey guys, I'm starting this thread because #1: I haven't yet seen one focusing on the subject matter and #2: I currently really feel like venting.

I hope it's in the correct section of forums and please feel free to share your own opinions and experiences. Maube we can shes some rationality on each other. If even one other person benefits from this, the thread won't be a waste. :)
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To start off: Me. I've been wrestling with myself whether or not to post this but I've decided I'll just do it.

In the last 3 or do years my grades have dropped pretty badly. At first I didn't worry but as time went on I started thinking about whether I'm good enough or not in terms of... well... Life.

I have never received a "trophy" since I didn't compete as a kid in anything. I've received participation certificates and medals (the medals I had fun while getting too) as well as a small glass dome for being in the semifinalist team of my school's debating team (long story short if it weren't for my team, our school's other team wouldn't have been able to compete in the final and win the cup). I've never had something I consider a "trophy", as in "you're #1 in X, well done" but I've been in plenty of situations where I've been part of a winning team or where everyone got certificates.

Anyway as my last year of school arrived, they had elections for Student Council. I really wanted to do something big for myself and applied (out of 22 candidates I was one of 8 that were shortlisted) but ultimately didn't get through, probably due to last year's poor attendance.

My school also has an award at the end of the year that's basically a "kindness award" (which gets your name engraved/ printed on a table at the school's entrance) for being kind, helpful and respectful (the name of the award might give away my school). For my whole school life I've always received "very/ extrenely polite and mannerly. A pleasure to teach" as a comment from teachers so I thought to try and get the Kindness award.

I also noticed that most of the previous winner were part of a school group that did fundraisers and other events like that. I joined and when we had elections for positions this year I was elected president because I wanted to improve my leading skills.

Things went very well with our first event, our second one too but our third event that we are finishing hasn't gone so well, though we've made it out but what concerns me is people have been saying the vice-president has been more of a leader than I have in this last event. I'm more quiet by nature and don't really talk unless I feel I've something to add which resulted in me being more quiet for this last event.

I don't write this out of spite of with meanness towards my vice-president, they're very capable and would probably be a better candidate for the kindness award since their attendance has been way better than mine and since they're more chatty by nature, people consider them as friendlier anyway. I just feel like since my academics are going down I could at least do one thing good which is lead this group. Maybe I'm bad because I'm not exactly doing it for a "pure" reason.

TL;DR :Failing Grades, Trying to fill "not good enough" hole with Presidency of the good deeds group, I'm probably being selfish because I just want a "win" that's "mine" in life (even though ironically if I do get it, I wouldn't have been able to without a good team).

So that's me. Vent over.
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Feelings of inadequacy and insecurity come factory standard on all humans. As you get older you grow out of defaulting to that mindset, hopefully.