Femdom addiction....



So I found out a year or so back I had ED as a result of excessive pornography, I found it relatively easy to give porn up, providing I could still fap from my imagination.
However It then emerged that I had death grip from years of masturbating 2-8 times a day....
So I tried to give up both porn and masturbation, this has not proved so easy.
Since I’ve stopped masturbating my desire for porn and fetish has grown, it’s clear to me that I’m deeply addicted to femdom porn.
Femdom / BDSM is nothing new to me, it’s what I used to think about from a young age before porn. No doubt that porn has made my tastes far more extreme.
But since I’ve stopped the max I’ve gone has been two weeks without Porn or Masturbation. During this time my desires have grown and I’ve started finding even more peculiar femdom fetishes more appealing.
I really need to cut this out of my life and try live a Vanillia life.
I know what I’ve got to do and I can do it, just curious on any advice or anyone’s thoughts!

Thanks! J.
Welcome to NoFap @JakeD93!

We're in the same page bro. I have an addiction to femdom porn (especially joi) and I've never been able to stop fapping for more than 2 weeks.

Glad to see there are more of us trying to get rid of all this femdom porn bullshit.

Keep it going!
Hi @JakeD93!

I too am a femdom addict. I remember pre-porn having fantasies of joi femdom bdsm stuff, which once finding porn of my fantasy really messed things up.

Let’s beat this crap and get back to healthy sexuality! Wish you all the best man.
Hey, I am also into bdsm though not that much into femdom. Your fetish doesn't grow when you do nofap streaks, but you do miss indulging in it. The more you distance yourself from the desires the less you'll want to go back to them. It'll only keep growing if you keep giving it attention. It may feel like it's growing on you but that's probably because now that it knows you want it gone it will try to keep itself ingrained in your life and it will keep giving you false happiness.

I'd say you need to want the better life ahead more than you want your fantasy. Your desires hold you back from a life you deserve. Build up new habits so you're busy and able to have more productive days and work on gradually building yourself rather than wasting it away on pixels and high dopamine fixes. Don't think of it as resisting your urges but more about living and enjoying literally everything else life has to offer. Glad you're here, hope to see you go beyond 2 weeks :)
I am turned on by many aspects of BDSM. Over the years I found that if I engage in the aspects that I like in IRL I find I watch less porn and masturbate far less. But that's only my own personal discovery. It's different for everyone and I might just be being sexist when I say this but it seems easier for women (speaking from my own personal experience as a female) to be more open face to face about this like this with a partner when in a vanilla relationship as my s.o. seems less inclined to try anything BDSM related even though I have walked in on him watching it. I wish you the best however in your endeavors. Not just you in particular but everyone having these issues.

Blessed be.

Anyone with this addiction the cause is low serotonin and there's a thread in my profile with a method to increase it.
Women are naturally submissive so femdom is illogical.

I used to watch a lot until I realized it would be impossible to act out in real life except with some sort of defective woman but they'd probably be too crazy in other ways to make it worth it.