Few simple questions about rebooting


NoFap Defender
Hey guys,
Like in the title, I have few simple questions about rebooting. I'm on day 23 if that matters:
1. When does flatline start? I don't ask about exact day but if it is second, third month? I know it depends on specific person but approximately?
2. What are symptoms of flatline?
3. Am I supposed to have mood swings during rebooting?

Thanks for answers :)
I'll try to help. I'm only day 12 now but I'll share what I've experienced.

1. I THINK I started getting flatline on day 4. Completely dead. However I found my self getting random half-chubbs at weird times without thinking about sexual things. It just...happens. Like when you were in puberty in school and the bus driver would hit a bump in the road and it would give you a semi.

I've also been in a store or somewhere, and a woman's perfume would trigger it. Nothing sexual at all.

2. See answer to 1. My balls have also periodically ached from lack of release, but blue ball could be considered a separate symptom from flatline. I also have been experiencing frequent but low yield urination when having BB. It might be excess sperm being evacuated or something.

3. Yes. I have been. Both good and bad. Yesterday I was thinking about the damage the porn industry has done to millions of men and women and burst into tears. I also reconnected with a girl from my past earlier today and felt like I could fly. Just let it happen. It's good to feel something other than numbness and ravenous lust.

As far as actual flatline, it just feels like your penis is on vacation sometimes. Nothing to worry about. A couple of mornings ago I woke up with an erection that could split an atom. Hasn't happened since. It's just your hormones rebalancing.
1. I´ve been in a flatline after 14 days ^^ or let´s rather say that´s the day I´ve noticed that I am in flatline, it´s not like someone is knocking at your door and telling you "you´ve just reached flat line, congrats"
Ofc this sort of depends on person to person.

2. Feeling fatigue, not as good as usual, no motivation to really get things done.
3. Oh yes ^_^ but this also depends on how your mindset is shaped as well as if you do some "positive mindset" exercises.

Keep in mind that during flatline, healing takes place, so even you don´t feel like Ronald McDonald through the day, you know that that´s the time you´ve been waiting for ^^
@Faptain_Harris @Steve Sancteria
Thanks for answers. I'm asking because I'm horny but at the same time I have other symptomps of flatline like I feel fatigue ( I was fainting at the gym :D what didn't happen earlier), mood swings are just ridiculous, morning woods are not regular :confused:.
I'm just waiting for my horniness to go away :rolleyes:
Anyway best of luck to you guys :D
@Faptain_Harris @Steve Sancteria
Thanks for answers. I'm asking because I'm horny but at the same time I have other symptomps of flatline like I feel fatigue ( I was fainting at the gym :D what didn't happen earlier), mood swings are just ridiculous, morning woods are not regular :confused:.
I'm just waiting for my horniness to go away :rolleyes:
Anyway best of luck to you guys :D

As far as horniness? What I do is instead of ignoring my moms phone calls like usual, I actually answer them now. Instant boner killer. :-P