Sri Holdanut
With that out of the way, I just wanted to say that I made it all the way to day 45 WITHOUT EJACULATING in what was my third attempt without counting my consecutive relapse cycle. I think what helped my prevent release was keeping myself busy, always indulging in creative endeavours and working out HARDER than ever before.
It wasn't until this morning that I had my first wet dream. This last two days I failed to meditate and Kegels which I think also contributed to my retention so maybe I should be more consistent on those. What I noticed and has me kind of worried to be honest is that my load had a strange colour, it was mostly white but it also had a brownish or yelowish side mixed with the rest. Tell me if someone who has retained for so long can relate or I should be more worried than I am. Honestly I am not going around it that much because I googled it and I don't suffer from any symptoms of STDs, prostate cancer or high blood pressure like painful peeing or rashes. So what do you think? Should I get it checked?
Other than that I'm still going at it, keeping my mind in check, feeling those good ole benefits baby.