First signs of recovery


New Fapstronaut
I'm 22y/o, gay, on my 22nd day without P. I still MO every now and then, but my primary problem was P and I'm kind of impressed how I have been able to keep myself away from porn all-together.

For months I was feeling very depressed, PMO-ing SEVERAL times a day, not socializing at all, afraid to talk to people. Around valentine's day I was invited to a very big house party - it was the first time I went out in MONTHS and back then I was already in my second week of PMO streak. I decided to go because going through this program brought back my confidence and allowed to interact with other people again.

What I was quite surprised with was how many people actually engaged with me during the party. Normally I would always be in the corner, not knowing what to do or who to talk to. Not this time. This time I was very open to talking to other people and they seemed genuinely interested in our conversations. I ended up flirting with several guys and hooking up with one of them. It was my first sex in 6 months.

One of the reasons why I gave up socializing/dating/hooking up was because i had premature ejaculation problems. I knew very well it had something to do with porn but didn't know what to do about it. As I gave up watching porn, I was finally able to engage in sex without coming during the first minute lol Now It makes me laugh how awkward sex used to be for me.

Porn is a disease. I am happy I'm recovering. I am looking forward to seeing what will happen next.