Greetings everyone, I embarked in the nofap journey to kick away the pmo habit and also to solve delayed ejaculation complications in the act of sex, I have had relapses here and there, but for the last 3-4 weeks I haven't consistently pmo'd at all. I am married and sex is a key element to every couple, now that it's been this long without pmoing, I have entered what many call the flatline, I want to know how to manage it while having a craving for sex wife who also is anxious about whether I've kicked away the delayed ejaculation thing, the thing about the flatline is that it tempts one to check porn just to ensure the penis is still alive and ends up one right at the bottom if determination lacks. P.S: I am also receiving any tips as per kicking delayed ejaculation away faster.
If you live in North America You can try HIMS, an online company that offers sildenofil (might be misspelled). It’s the ingredient in (banned word of a drug starting with V and rhymes with Niagra) that keeps muscles related to erections from relaxing (and thus losing the erection). I’ve tried this and it does work. It’s like that drug for old men that starts with a V minus all the other unnecessary, unhealthy ingredients. So you might be worried that you’ll need sildenofil forever? You won’t. This will help you get used to the feeling of maintaining again and you’ll be less stressed about getting it up which in turn makes it easier to do the act. Consult with your doctor obviously and tell your partner that you’d like to use this so they’re on board. They will definitely enjoy it. have I tried it myself? Yes, after a I had a minor surgery in my lower intestine I had some major issues and discomfort with erections, call it body trauma. I tried sildenofil with a partner who was open to it and after a few times with them I no longer needed it. Good luck.
Thank you, I am going to check it, however, as of now my erections have gotten back to normalcy, problem is I still have yet to ejaculate while in act.
How’s it going OP? Has giving up on PM helped with the delayed ejaculation? I’m really early in the process but have begun for that reason, to not have delayed/nonexistent ejaculation.
My husband had delayed ejaculation from our honeymoon until he was 45 at which time he got worse and couldn’t even get it up. 5 years of pied. He began recovery 4 years ago. No more pied. No more de. He hadn’t had a problem in 3 years. At all. Unless…. He slips, then it is noticeable in his erections and behaviors. He’s never taken any pills ( he was too embarrassed and ashamed to go to the doctor).