This is 100% truth. I have been through multiple opioid binges. Have used them intermittently in the past. The last opioid binge lasted around 3 weeks of nonstop high dose oxycodone use. Around 180mg per day. One day after feeling sick from them, having intense nausea and diminished effects, I had enough. I seriously flushed them through the toilet. Oh boy the next day I felt extremely ill. There were the typical opioid withdrawal symptoms, flu like feeling, extreme body discomfort, stomach problems, insomnia, anxiety and depression. After one week I felt better again. I never looked back to opioids, but filled the void with excessive porn use. Thats when the real problems started. I started getting bad brain fog, social anxiety, insomnia and lack of motivation.
I also been through phenibut withdrawal which lasted just 5 days. Very high anxiety, sweating, unable to think clearly, insomnia and social anxiety. After 5 days of withdrawal, I was back to normal. I never really had cravings for phenibut after that. I started using phenibut because it helped against the porn induced social anxiety, insomnia and depression. Also been through benzo withdrawal. I got addicted to them because I wanted to ease porn withdrawal with them. It worked, but completely backfired. At one point I was using over 20mg of Xanaxx (alprazolam) and quit cold turkey. (I had no other choice) Benzo withdrawal is utter hell. Traumatic. Psychotic hell on earth and the anxiety is beyond everything I ever went through. Chemical torture. With over 50 intense, weird, horrible symptoms. The acute stage lasted around 3 weeks and benzo PAWS lasted about 4 to 5 months. During PAWS there was this intense feeling of NOT FEELING a thing. All I felt was severe agoraphobia, severe social anxiety and hopelessness. Was unable to sleep most of the nights too. After benzo PAWS I felt "normal" again. Although I probably have some permanent damage. My body is vibrating 24/7, have muscle spasms, visual snow and a lot of eye floaters. It also made life more dull. The mental symptoms are gone tho, so I feel close to "normal". I never looked back to benzo's again. No cravings, no desire nothing. Sure, they were handy to use against porn withdrawal anxiety and insomnia, thats about all.
Now was the time to quit porn again and oh boy, the porn withdrawals started to creep up on me again. Sometimes 7 days after I quit, sometimes 20 days. I have battled porn for 6 years now. Always having long streaks, and everytime the withdrawals would popup again. Been through multiple porn withdrawals now. Always crippling severe withdrawals. Unable to work during that time. Always on disability. I can't do my work in IT. For my old job I need to be calm, focused and motivated. I miss all of that. I was unable to quit this porn addiction, and have, untill this day, always failed. Relapse after relapse. Withdrawal after withdrawal. For 6 years my life is complete SHIT. For me it is the hardest addiction to quit. Quitting opioids was easy compared to this shit. I now have enough motivation to tackle it. If I fail again I am going to try ibogaine. I don't care about the dangers.