Did the 2 months reboot per year rule apply to your case? Were you a long pmo addict for all these days it's taking you?
I've read somewhere in this forum that it takes a rebooter 2 months to heal for each year he's been an addict. For example: it would take 10 months of hard reboot for 5 years of pmo in order to heal.
I think it’s bullshit. Everything depends of your organism and why you started to do it etc. I am a sensitive person and I think that two years for me and (for example) for a typical sanguine are two different things.
You've done it before, you can do it again man. Get these bad vibes out of your system. Go for a run until you fall down, hit the weights hard... anything to get your blood flowing.
Done that all week, squats and deadlifts every day. Deadlift 100kg friday, ran 10 km yesterday, i'm still super nervous, negative, suicidal, this nofap shit just give me problems as always.
It's the reason why people, myself included, turned to PMO all these years, to suppress their feelings and numb them. You have to search deeper within yourself why you're anxious/depressed. PMO will just make things harder in the long run. Do you meditate? Are you religous?
You need to push through the pain. I felt like shit for the first 3 months even though I was doing 3x running/3x uphill cycling/3x weightlifting weekly routine. That being said I wouldn't be able to resist binge PMOing if I wouldn't do that. Even one exercise off day during the week was mentally challenging. It's totally normal. I binged every day for 4 months before current streak, giving my body plenty of dopamine/serotonin/oxytocin/vasopressin fix cocktail through O multiple times a day. When you remove such powerful "feel happy/painkiller hormonal mix" in an instant, your body and mind will cry and enter a state of shock. You just have to hold on. Do what you can and embrace the pain. You know it will go away eventually. Patience is the key. From my own observation, every reboot after long term abstinence and relapse is harder. Think of it as climbing the mountain. You know there will be mostly pain all the way to the top with short breaks of relieve, but you do it anyway for the view. Once you stand on the top of the mountain, you'll get clearer view on you inner problems so you'll be able to address them better. Remember abstention is prerequisite, first step to recovery.
Working out sure helps but be carefull so you don't overdo it and get injured. Pushing yourself past your physical limits helps vent out all these painful feelings, playing basketball has been the most reliable of my psychological crutches for dealing with life's problems. Sadly both of my knees failed me due to overstressing it with weights (one still aches like hell) around the time I began nofap so now basicaly I got nothing next to nothing to help in this struggle. Look out so this doesn't happen to you too
Yes, that can be a real problem. I do cross training just because of that. Running one day, cycling the other and go swimming when I feel my legs need recovery time. For weight lifting I follow conservative 2.5% increase of weights per week rule (so 5% every 2 weeks) to avoid injuries. If your knees are a problem, you can still try swimming maybe?
Sadly it's not a matter of me getting the exercise. I hit the gym lifting weights on my own or on various small group sessions plenty of times. While playing baketball though, my mind would clear. Only that, pc gaming and being drowned with duties at work could do that and sadly now I can't do the 1st and the 2nd just doesn't do it anymore (Paws?Anhedonia?Hell if I know)
No you have to take it easy man, let your nervous system have a break from all those loads and reboot step by step. For long and severe addict it will take 6 months + for your brain to get back to normal(recalibrate).
I always heard this "search deeper thing", it's bullshit, i already all the thing that are wrong woth my life and my past, that's easy man, is to fucking solve them the problem! I've done a lot of meditation, and also had a lot of spiritual experiences in the last 5/6 years. Also tried a 10 day vipassana meditation but i left at day 1.
Already done 170 days hardmode, the need was so much that i started going with escorts. I neve see any of the advantages they talk about, i wasn't socially better, i never sa woman attraction, i don't believe in nofap anymore. The first time i did that because i believed in the advantage, now i know it's not for me, so it's harder, i have no motivation.
Not true, i've already done 170 days hard mode, didn't see a single benefit. Gym is the only thing that keeps me mentally and phisicaly healthy, there is no way and no need to stop that.
170 days is not enough for long pmo users. I used to think 90 days would be enough for my 7 years of pmo. Wrong! Now I'm past 9 months and still suffering from withdrawals flatline. Mind you that I discovered Nofap after 3 years of heavy use and had a lot of short streaks. Other rebooters have the same problem, you have to have a mindset that you're done for good with pmo whether progress or no progress.
I have no girlfriend, and can't get one, it would be impossible for me to go on for 2 years hardmode without gettin advantages and with withdrawal symptoms, litterally impossible. I would probably go crazy and suicide way before that...
I have no girlfriend either, but I know I'm making progress mentally each month of abstinence. It might take 2 or 3 years hardmode for a heavy pmo addict but a long the way your mind will be clearer days by days. I might not recover 100% but I can hold a conversation with anybody which was impossible 9 months ago.