Fenix Rising
Already done 170 days hardmode, the need was so much that i started going with escorts. I neve see any of the advantages they talk about, i wasn't socially better, i never sa woman attraction, i don't believe in nofap anymore.
The first time i did that because i believed in the advantage, now i know it's not for me, so it's harder, i have no motivation.
It all depends on how bad your addictive behavior really was. If your behavior has been as bad as mine, you would see the benefits of abstention quite clearly even when you're suffering from withdrawal symptoms. No way could I start addressing my anxiety/depression/social isolation problems without abstention. Curing PIED has been just a bonus.
If you can identify with what this man is saying, you know you have a problem, if not, maybe you don't have an addiction. Only 5-10 % of population has problems with compulsive addictive behaviors, even less progress to the point of physical self-harm. For most population P is just a harmless occasional fun or stress reliever, for unfortunate 5-10% of us with addictive personality traits, it can become hell.
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