Found out about NoFap while fapping, and here I am.


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35yo gay guy here.
It was a guy's story on my alternative IG account, flexing in the mirror and showing off his muscular frame, that he had attributed to working out daily and NoFap that made me google "what is NoFap?"
Suddenly I was opened to this world of rebooting and abstinence that I didn't know existed. I started reading Your Brain On Porn the same day (three days ago).
I don't think I had a problem with porn, I rarely watched it actually, but still a pre-occupation with looking at images and reading/chatrooms that aroused me was leading to all the same problems that NoFap talked about with porn. I guess I just had a different taste in what got me off.
Anyway, I had accidentally done NoFap for two weeks and the feeling of it stuck with me, such a physical almost literal buzz, and I am determined to achieve that again but also to rid myself of the cycle of PMO that was becoming a problem and making me become unsocial.
Hope this is a good journey.
Hi everyone.