Four years trying. Frustrated.


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Hi. Im 41, male and gay man from Spain.
I am in a relationship of 12 years, four years ago i started with problems of Ed and I realized i had to quit porn and masturbation. I set my goal of 90 days of no PM and since then i never got even the half , my best streak is 35 days. Since I started i overcame problems of erections, when i got 20-30 days i noticed more energy, more confindence, i started new good habits like reading or working out,... But I relapse once and once again, after 5, 10, 20 days..., last time 30. Everytime i relapse i feel very anxious, depressed and it make me relapse again, so i am several days fapping and i have to start again from zero. I have started hundred of times.

Im very tired and frustrated. Today i am starting again and i really don't know what to do to get it this time.
Hi @LuisP
Glad you are here. And very welcome to join us in our journey to a healthy, fulfilling life without any self harming habits.

It's a safe place here. We all are in the same boat, so there is no single space for judgement here.
Maybe it's a good idea to keep a journal. Sharing your struggles, thoughts and feelings may help you to understand the underlying issues.

Keep coming back and get the most effort out of nofap!
You don't need to do it alone!

I wish you lots of luck!
Thanks. Ive tried journals and diaries several times. I did before in twitter, i quitted because it was full of porn, it is the first time i write in this forum.
Thanks. Ive tried journals and diaries several times. I did before in twitter, i quitted because it was full of porn, it is the first time i write in this forum.
To me it helps enormously. This place is just light and purity. No porn at all.
You'll see that it 'll help you as well.
And, I am wishing you that :)
Agree with Roady, this is a great place to a new start. @LuisP just be aware every day your brain is free of PMO, your mind and whole live is getting better, so, If you tried 100 times, just imagine how better is your brain now than if didn't try ever. Let's do this again, this time with peace in your heart because you are doing the best for yourself.
Thanks Hukana. I am a bit desperate because I must do something different and i don't know what it would be. Im absolutely sure I want to get it, but it is always a day im depressed, or sad, horny, stressed,bored,...that i finally relapse.