Frustrated - Windows Update Agent won't download Updates


This is killing me. I reinstalled Windows 7 on my PC, and needed some time to figure out where to find drivers and the rest. OK. But I often get the Blue Screen of Death, Aw, Snap error in chrome & can't use Adobe premiere Pro because I don't have the latest Windows Updates. The thing is, I try now for more than 3 days to find a solution, yet fail again and again. This Microsoft motherfuckers are big fools, can't even make sure that their operating system is fully functional. I hate windows 10, & want windows 7 to run on my machine. Anyone struggled with the same issue & found solution to succesfully install windows updates?
I have windows 10 and hate a ton of stuff about it including forced updates that restart my pc while it's asleep, I'm seriously debating switching back to 7 as that's my favourite.

What exactly is the problem though, like are you getting errors with the Windows Update Agent or are the updates sitting there in a queue type thing? I apologise if you mean something else.
I agree with you that windows 10 is loaded with a bunch of bloatware & pointless animations.
An error has occurred: 0xC80003FA , 0x8024000E or it takes forever to check for updates, or it gets stuck at x% when I finally get it to download the updates. Thanks Bill.
I'm trying to look into those two bluescreens but in the mean time why don't you give this article a shot, and see it it fixes the stuck downloads and problems with the updater.

Also when you get the bluescreens have you been checking the dmp files in Windows to see if they say anything? It would be so much easier if I was there and could see it in person. lol

Also, for those annoying crashes it wouldn't hurt to do a memory stick test if you know how as well.
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Errors could happen but I think it's not very common
I used driver booster on 3 of my devices and never had a problem with it..I used it mainly because it's easy to crack but stayed with it becuase it did the job well
Anyway you could always role back the changes so don't's safe
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This is killing me. I reinstalled Windows 7 on my PC, and needed some time to figure out where to find drivers and the rest. OK. But I often get the Blue Screen of Death, Aw, Snap error in chrome & can't use Adobe premiere Pro because I don't have the latest Windows Updates. The thing is, I try now for more than 3 days to find a solution, yet fail again and again. This Microsoft motherfuckers are big fools, can't even make sure that their operating system is fully functional. I hate windows 10, & want windows 7 to run on my machine. Anyone struggled with the same issue & found solution to succesfully install windows updates?
I love windows 7 and always feel nostalgic to it but unfortunately it's outdated now
Why don't you try windows 8 ? I found it to be better that windows 10
Anyway I think the problem maybe with the version of windows 7 you're it the ultimate version? And does it have the updates it needs to work proberly ?
If yes then it's probably a driver issue
Those problems are complicated and needs a lot of experimenting to figure out
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