Gary Wilson video on pornography, brain and body

at 46:15, I think he had a really good point that it was unusual for a psychological study done by a graduate student to have a press release. He spent roughly the previous 20 minutes of the talk going over research done by some of the world's leading scientists about addiction and pornography use, none of which were awarded major press releases. Yet, this study by a graduate student that claims that "porn is only a problem if you believe you're an addict" gets lots of press coverage. Gary asks why that sort of thing would happen, and in the end he just shrugs and says he doesn't know, but I'm really glad he asked that question.

One theory (and this might sound a little conspiracy-theory-ish) is that her research was bloated by press sources that are supported by the pornography industry, who have a vested interest in advertising research which suggests that pornography addiction doesn't exist and in suppressing research which suggests that pornography addiction is real.

Another (more believable) theory is that these press sources saw the potential "click-baity-ness" of such a controversial article, and that's why it was presented. They likely published an article summarizing this grad student's research because they knew that doing so would increase traffic to their own websites, even if that traffic came at the expense of the truth or of scientific rigor.

Either way, it's really sad that such an article was hoisted upward by press sources, because it's exactly the sort of thing that would prevent a porn addict from seeking out recovery. If you're addicted to porn and you haven't yet done anything to actively pursue recovery, you might end up doing a google search for pornography addiction in hopes that you might find some resources (like this forum) that could help you break free of your addiction. Instead, you might find an article glorifying this grad student's research paper that suggests that porn isn't the problem in your life, but rather your belief that you have an addiction to porn is the problem in your life. That might convince the addict that it's okay for them to continue using porn and that there's no need for them to seek out resources that could help them. It's really a shame :(