Gay nursing student quitting PMO

Hi, I'm a gay male nurse and I've just started a 120-day hard mode streak. I would definitely appreciate speaking with you - I've already been asked if im Greg Focker.

Where are you in your training? Do you know what you want to specialise in yet?
Hey y’all. Wha’s good?
Just your average gay nursing student trying to get through the 30 Day Challenge as I continue my education and set up my future.

Any more gay guys, male nurses, or any chill gay friendly guys willing to accompany me on this journey to a porn-free life?

Hello mate

I’m on day 31 and feeling good. Stronger erections, avoid pmo, going to the gym.

Use your will power when needed. The rest of the time use strategy. Avoid going online when horny, avoid triggers, photos, videos etc

You can do it x
Hi, I'm a gay male nurse and I've just started a 120-day hard mode streak. I would definitely appreciate speaking with you - I've already been asked if im Greg Focker.

Where are you in your training? Do you know what you want to specialise in yet?
Aye! Awesome! Haha Greg Focker! Funny thing is I get that reference now!
Oooh! 120? Good luck! That’s goals right there!
I just started nursing school. We about to finish Fundamentals at the end of the week, and start Med-Surg next week. Super cool to find another gay male nurse here!
What are the odds!

I'm no nurse, but I'm a gay guy trying for 90 days and beyond...

As welcoming and open this community is I'm glad to have come across some other gay guys here... doesn't seem to be too many of us!
Aye! Rainbow Community Idc if that sounded too gay, I’m just happy to find other gays on here. You right, there really aren’t. I spent a good 2 days looking and found very few :/
But the few that are here, we should support each other, tho.
Hello mate

I’m on day 31 and feeling good. Stronger erections, avoid pmo, going to the gym.

Use your will power when needed. The rest of the time use strategy. Avoid going online when horny, avoid triggers, photos, videos etc

You can do it x
Oh, can’t wait to get to at least day 10.

I’ma work on my will power, definitely. I failed the first day I committed (this past Sunday). Got tested a couple of times but I think I’ll make it thru.

Thanks for the support, man!
Aye! Rainbow Community Idc if that sounded too gay, I’m just happy to find other gays on here. You right, there really aren’t. I spent a good 2 days looking and found very few :/
But the few that are here, we should support each other, tho.
Greg Focker hahaha we can start a daily check in if you like guys?
Or at least check in with each other every few days.

I’m on day 32. No pmo. Going to the gym. Working hard and staying focused
Aye! Awesome! Haha Greg Focker! Funny thing is I get that reference now!
Oooh! 120? Good luck! That’s goals right there!
I just started nursing school. We about to finish Fundamentals at the end of the week, and start Med-Surg next week. Super cool to find another gay male nurse here!
It's nice to know someone else here knows what I'm going on about when I speak about medical stuff! Happy to support you in any way I can. We could all start an accountability group, or else I'm happy to support you through messaging.
It's nice to know someone else here knows what I'm going on about when I speak about medical stuff! Happy to support you in any way I can. We could all start an accountability group, or else I'm happy to support you through messaging.
Fasho, man. It’s always good to find another medically trained person. An accountability group sounds good. Idk if there’s a thing as group messaging on here but I’m down to do accountability through messaging.
We really should support each other!

Would a private group be the best way? Or just checking in on each other's journals?

I'm day 8 now, been really low lately, but meditation, cold shows and now fasting has prevented me from going over the edge.

Btw @Coolyorky can never be too gay!
Aye! I’m
On Day 2. You’re not that far along from me.