Getting my life back on track


New Fapstronaut
Hi nofap community,

I'm a 19 year old virgin who regularly watches porn. For the past couple of years I had begun to take a liking of (what I now think is perverted) hypnotic videos. I always thought that what I did in my spare time would never affect my outside life until recently.

I had become so encompassed in watching these videos and masturbating that I'd sometimes end up doing this activity twice a day every day of the week.

Recently I begun seeing a girl and things were going very good. Until last week when I realised what I had been doing in my spare time has well indeed affected me and I want out. I had the chance to partake in sexual intercourse with this girl and I noticed that when "it was about to go down" I would lose all interest and lose my erection. I was embarrassed and she thought it was all her fault (she even asked if I was gay).

We kind of brushed it off and later I realised I might have porn induced erectile dysfunction. My friend (weirdly openly) discussed about the nofap challenge to me about a month before this incident and so I begun doing some more research.

After a lot of research I could also conclude I have a sort of mild case of performance anxiety alongside of porn induced ED. It was at this moment I realised how much of an impact the porn had affected me and how low my life had spiralled down. I had stopped going gym from a sudden drop of motivation and hardly attended my kickboxing classes. In a matter of days I tried to continue back to my old habits of exercising and staying on top of my game and I started feeling pretty good. I had stopped watching porn and masturbating for about a week however i did have a couple of relapses. The girl I was seeing was persistent in trying again (after that incident I was afraid it would happen again), and so we did try it again and this time I had a stronger mental attitude towards it. Still, the same scenario played out: We enjoy foreplay, the pants come off, and the erection ceases.

It was at that moment I had decided I will do whatever I can to fix it. And I feel as though all those years of watching porn (especially the hypnotic ones) need to be forgotten and I need to move on with my life. I don't want to lose this girl over the fact that I can't satisfy her when she wants to.

This is why I'm here. I need support in my journey and I need guidance. If anyone has been in my situation, or knows more of it, feel free to let me know any tips to help me.

I know that this process may take a couple of months at the least, I just don't want to lose this girl over this and so any help in getting her to understand is also appreciatated.

I look forward to my reboot and better life
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

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