Girlfriend gone for 2 weeks, the test has begun...


Just dropped my girlfriend off at the airport and now getting ready to face 2 weeks of basically being alone (we currently live w/ her mother but its set up like a 2-family so I could probably go 2 weeks staying upstairs w/o seeing her much). 33 yrs. old and in a relationship for 7 years after a single life of drinking and doing whatever I wanted, so I get this huge temptation when I'm finally alone to unwind and let all the daily structure go. Fantasies have been beating me over the head (specific scenes and tension from fantasizing about real life women). Considering I got about 3 hrs. of sleep from driving her in, I know I'm in a perfect state to want to idly start checking out p, but I don't want to. On a 2+ week streak and feeling all of the awesome benefits - it made me the best boyfriend I could be to her over these last stressful weeks of prep. and I've been getting the usual larger than life drive to accomplish and build (and of course, for better or for worse, to f**k anything that moves). I don't want to lose it and I feel that if I cave today, the next 2 weeks will be even worse for temptation. This is a potential for me to get a ridiculous amount of work done on my own and I want to take advantage and be better for it when she gets back, not spend the 2 weeks draining myself. We'll see how this goes - wish me luck fapstronauts.