Giving NoFap a go again (failed once :/)

Robert Bar

I tried NoFap a while back, but i relapsed and felt really bad about it. Told myself if I can't seem to do it, why try in the first place. But the guilt and shame is too much. It's not that I feel religiously against masturbation or anything but the thought that I cant control what is happening to me and how I'm reacting to it scares me. I'm a university student, 19 years old, and Im doing CS. So I spend a significant time before my computer and every once in a while (which is almost daily) I end up browsing porn and fapping away. I feel real bad afterwards. I dont even feel sexual tension or drive anymore, just the urge to jack one off. The most I've gone is 5-6 days without it. Really wanted to open up and say this to someone. Thanks.
It happens to all of us. It is mostly when you're bored. You do nothing and just then your mind goes towards porn

You just have to keep yourself occupied and forget about it in time. Replace it with a healthy habit and keep it that way.

Trust me when you give up these unhealthy habits you'll be a lot better, both physically and mentally. But you need to replace these with healthy ones because if you keep living and unhealthy lifestyle, nothing's going to change
CS is a really hard task to pair with NoFap...I've done CS for a while sometimes you get frustrated for one reason or another. Just slam the computer shut and sleep.
Thanks for the responses. It gave me more reason to do this. I was working on something on my computer. But like smallmao said I'm going to slam it shut and go sleep now. Good luck.
Don't worry mate almost everyone 'fails'.

The key thing is, not to beat yourself up about it. I still pmo, maybe once or twice a week absolute maximum. It only happens at the weekend and I don't get too down. I know I need to face up to these urges when they come, still working on that. But the main thing is I spend 99.9% of my week not looking at nude pics, porn or masturbating. That for me is a big win.

Approach it rationally and think about what you could do to actually make you want to quit porn. Willpower won't do it alone. You're fighting an extremely strong primal urge with a limited willpower (very limited for me after full time work, plus side hustles and working out). If you want to completely quit and stay quit, you need to either absolutely despise porn or want something very desperately that you can't do while PMOing.

I am probably just kidding myself as an addict but I genuinely believe being positive is the way to kill this thing. Good luck
since you're always on a computer, why not start an accountability journal. even better keep a nofap tab open all the time.

I end up browsing porn and fapping away. I feel real bad afterwards. I dont even feel sexual tension or drive anymore, just the urge to jack one off.

it happens when you binge too much. you'll be fine within a month but you need to lay off the PMO habit completely.
Don't worry mate almost everyone 'fails'.
The key thing is, not to beat yourself up about it.

Yes I'm trying to be as positive as i can. Tbh I always take things to the extreme. So I'd probably lose all motivation for a while if I fail and that'll chain into more pmo. I'm hoping to go as much as possible without it.

since you're always on a computer, why not start an accountability journal. even better keep a nofap tab open all the time.
it happens when you binge too much. you'll be fine within a month but you need to lay off the PMO habit completely.

Yeah for now I'm trying to come visit noFap once a day to get my motivation back on track :)

Thank you for this.