Going on a semi-hard dry fast

First off, this sounds disgusting, but for the next 48 hours, I will not even brush my teeth (the artificial sweeteners in toothpaste spike insulin levels, thus keeping your body from experiencing the true benefits of a fasted state). No water consumption, no food consumption. No vitamins, nutrients, or supplements. The only water I will come in contact with will be through washing my hands, and taking a shower. I'll be sure not to inadvertently swallow some water my accident.

I relapsed twice in a span of 24 hours, and I'm doing this to detox. I want my body to erase and eliminate most of the sick and dying cells in my body, and replace them with healthier ones. I'm doing this for health benefits, and to stave off withdrawals/POIS after relapsing.
Good to hear you've had experience with it before. What impact did that fast have on your NoPMO journey?
Good to hear you've had experience with it before. What impact did that fast have on your NoPMO journey?
To be honest, the first time I went on a dry fast, in my NoPMO journey, I wasn't as motivated and didn't have as much much energy as I did just two days ago, when I was on noPMO, days 11 and 12 and had cut out my consumption of added sugars and caffeine. I want to get back on track, and keep fighting this PMO addiction.