Good Things to do when Bored?


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Have a 4 day weekend (Rash Hashana) and I need things to do during the long weekend. Anyone have any suggestions? Here are some things I've been doing to not be bored and not think about P&M
Things I've Been Doing
Working Out (Swimming and cardio)
Drawing (Soccer Club Badges)
NoFap Forums/Subreddit

War in the streets and peace in the sheets. Or vice versa depending on the mood.
Advice from my grandmother...
You should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and a acrobat in the bedroom... But you can always hire a cook and a maid.
I don't know why, but you saying this... Reminded me of that.
A shame that PMO ruined all the sage advice being handed down.
Although I'm sure some was blatantly ignored too.
Have a 4 day weekend (Rash Hashana) and I need things to do during the long weekend. Anyone have any suggestions? Here are some things I've been doing to not be bored and not think about P&M
Things I've Been Doing
Working Out (Swimming and cardio)
Drawing (Soccer Club Badges)
NoFap Forums/Subreddit

  1. working out
  2. nofap
  3. socializing in pubs mainly
  4. reading
Have a 4 day weekend (Rash Hashana) and I need things to do during the long weekend. Anyone have any suggestions? Here are some things I've been doing to not be bored and not think about P&M
Things I've Been Doing
Working Out (Swimming and cardio)
Drawing (Soccer Club Badges)
NoFap Forums/Subreddit

workout / stretching
nofap forum
get organised
not being on the laptop