Goodbye Pornography - Reclaiming my Life


New Fapstronaut
Hi All,

I have joined this site because,like the rest of you, I am determined to get my motivation, my time, my happiness (my life) back. I started watching internet porn from the age of 13 and have watched it consistently for the past 4 years (I am now 17).
I turned seventeen 4 days ago. Realising how old I have become and the responsibilities and opportunities that lay ahead (university, careers) etc. I am determined that this aspect of my life must end.
Internet pornography has robbed me of everything. My motivation is gone, my personality has changed, I have lost social confidence, my grades have fallen.
I have tried many times to stop on my own but relapse endlessly.
I hope that with a supportive community of fellow NoFappers who want to improve their lives I can do better.

I have some questions. I would really appreciate some responses.

1. What is the best way to deal with a porn trigger?
2. What benefits has quitting porn given you?
3. Do you recommend any books/videos to motivate or help?

Wish me luck with my journey to a porn free life! I wish you luck too.

Goodbye Porn