I'm very glad to be a part of this group. I've been married for 16 years, and while I've PMOd since I can remember, the amount ebbed and flowed while in or out of various relationships. Once I got married, I continued, but sparingly. For one thing, I didn't want to get caught, and for another, our sex life was incredible. As the years went by and our sex life slowed, I leaned on PMO more and more until I started picturing my wife in these scenerios and the further they went, the worse I felt about my wife. I want to be very clear in that I know I am responsible for my issues with porn, but with my wife's low sex drive, I always justified it since I have zero interest in cheating on her. I would very much like to get our sex life back to some level of what it was in the past, understanding we're at different places in our lives than we were then. She's not the talkative type about things like sex, so it is hard to bring up. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Hi brother. Glad you're here. I know I am responsible for my issues with porn, but with my wife's low sex drive, I always justified it since I have zero interest in cheating on her. I think pmo is a form of cheating even though it's not with a live person. And, it's harder to quit because it's so available and there are so many options (fetishes, etc) and since we're not doing it with a real person we don't have to worry about what the other person thinks or wants in the performance or frequency of it. They can be anything we desire to fulfill any fantasy that strikes our fancy and are available 24/7.
It is hard. I have been in the same situation. For me, the key is realizing that I am not "owed" sex, and that I cannot "earn" it. So I have to be patient, sensitive, and not feel entitled. Being aware of that helps. A second thing that has helped me is to expand what exactly counts as sex within our relationship. Spoiler: Trigger Warning For example, when she is pregnant, recovering from childbirth or nursing she looses a lot of her sex drive. However, I have talked to her and she says she is almost always willing to give me a handjob. Is it the same thing? Not really. But it really REALLY helps me to stay committed to making sure that O is something that only happens with her. Finally, I would recommend considering a "sex fast" or a "hard mode reboot". At one point when I was constantly being turned down for sex I was feeling not only frustrated, but also unloved and frankly like a failure as a man. I felt powerless. I know all of those feelings can combine to make a relapse a very likely possibility. So, I turned it around and talked with her and told her that *I* was choosing to not have sex for the next 6 weeks. It was liberating for it to be my decision, and we were able to get onto a more equal footing and then resume the relationship dynamics once things had balanced out more. We are still struggling to figure out exactly how to make all of this work (especially since we plan on having one more baby in the next year or so). But there is hope!
Hey man -- glad to see your post -- I'm also glad to have this group and see the support that comes from it. I've been married 17 years, had to work through a lot of this -- my wife and I are have always been at (very) opposite ends of the sex-drive spectrum. Like, incredibly opposite ends of the spectrum. We've come a long ways, and I can say I'm super-happy with our sexual relationship now. Some thoughts: First, even without PMO, sex-drive differences are hard for couples, period. And common. In my case, we never had a period where our drives/desires just naturally aligned In my opinion, I think a PM reboot is necessary to really even approach the discussion. For years after I was PM-free, it was still difficult to talk about sex with my wife. I think a large part of that is due to me not knowing how much of what I wanted was residual PM effects or not. For me at least, it took some years to heal to the point where I could approach sex-drive discussions and feel I was being objective. Like @Tannhauser mentioned, I agree that you have to accept that you are not owed sex -- that can be a hard hill to get over. As my wife's and my overall relationship has improved, so has our sexual relationship. Trying to put the needs of your spouse ahead of your own is difficult, but necessary. If your relationship grows to where you're both doing that, then there you have it! Also, I agree expanding activities is helpful. And my wife and I have explored our sexual relationship more and expanded things, it has gotten much better and much more fun. And for the sake of not being explicit, I'll leave it at that for now ;-) There are some good books for couples out there that can help on this -- especially for wives. But a couple warnings: they're likely triggering, and you'd have to choose to go down that path together -- I'd recommend reading them reading them in the same week and discussing them. Like I said before, it was some years for me before I felt I was at a point where I could do this without it triggering regression into PMO, unhelpful fantasies, or having it cause additional relationship problems or resentment. I'm religious, and there are some good resources that approach the topic respectfully and are also very straightforward. You can follow up if you want more details. If you're comfortable doing so, keep us updated on what you do and how things go!
Thanks. I've learned a little bit about my sex life in the last 36 days. One, at least recently we've had sex a little more often that we used to, or maybe the same, but I'm recognizing it. I too will leave being explicit out, but she's been slightly more open to things that have pretty much been off the table for a decade. It had gotten to the point, and to some point still is, that we literally do the exact same thing the exact same way. I've tried to change things up be she hasn't wanted to. I'm going to encourage more change at her pace. I still have to be the one to initiate sex which I'm not thrilled about but I do feel like the last time we had sex it was much more enjoyable than it had been. I think a lot of it is how I'm looking at her now which is in a lot better light. I had tried doing a lot of things in the past to make her be more open to sex (more chores around the house, trying to take some things off her plate, etc). The more I did that without "being rewarded", the angrier I got. I literally had the "plan" of do dishes, get laid; do laundry, get laid. When it didn't happen, I'd get angrier and resent her more. Please know I now recognize the million of errors in that thought process, but sometimes I think it is good for me to get it out.