Guilt and shame

isyaboi eeeeeee

I've been practising NoFap for about 6 months now, and I have only been able to reach 17 days. A big reason for my relapses is the shame I feel about myself.
I want to shift from feeling ashamed about who I am, and instead feeling guilty from my actions, and being able to detach myself from said actions.
Self improvement has always been a massive part of my life, so I'm always progressing in that aspect, but I still carry the burden of shame around with me.
If anyone knows any good videos/books that might help in releasing this sense of shame, I'd be interested in checking it out.
Just don't think about them when you think about being guilty you are unconsciously telling your brain to accept your personality as a guilty person
Tell yourself good things and doesn't matter if they are true or not
instead of saying "...ashamed about who I am" say something POSITIVE
I know some videos but they are not in English
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle book may be helpful for you