Right now I'm on day 10 and my longest nofap not using porn streak. Here's the steps I took:I've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn
Right now I'm on day 10 and my longest nofap not using porn streak. Here's the steps I took:
- Don't just know but actually realize how bad porn fucks us up mentally, make a conscious manly decision to avoid it.
- Install Porn Blocker add-on to your browser. Decide to never enter a porn site again.
- When you get thoughts about porn/women and feel like it then go and do something else: go to gym, play games, socialize, whatever you like to do other than fap.
- Stick to your decision like a man. I'd rather bang girls than be a wanker. Girls don't like wankers.
This is what I'm doing and it works for me. Simple. Good luck!
Right now I'm on day 10 and my longest nofap not using porn streak. Here's the steps I took:
- Don't just know but actually realize how bad porn fucks us up mentally, make a conscious manly decision to avoid it.
- Install Porn Blocker add-on to your browser. Decide to never enter a porn site again.
- When you get thoughts about porn/women and feel like it then go and do something else: go to gym, play games, socialize, whatever you like to do other than fap.
- Stick to your decision like a man. I'd rather bang girls than be a wanker. Girls don't like wankers.
This is what I'm doing and it works for me. Simple. Good luck!
I've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn
i m on my 70 days for the first time.I've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn
I have been going 6 years and my conclusion is that the only way is to get rid of your access to the internet otherwise it's too damn difficult/near impossible. I am getting my own place soon and will not be getting the internet, and I am 99% sure this will end my porn addiction. A porn addict having access to the internet is akin to a drug addict having some heroin lying around. The cravings won't be as strong because the brain knows porn isn't available.I've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn
I am 99% sure this will end my porn addiction.
Can confirm.So go full Jesus-Mode and I promise that makes it easier.
the hard way is the most efficient way, there is no shortcutI've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn
And the giving up of tech does not need to be forever. I got away from it for two years when I first started my recovery journey. This was after 25 years of addiction. Those two years were what I needed to break free. Now I am back using computers and phones, but with protections in place and a little bit wiser than I used to be!Give up technology => give up p.
Easy to say, but hard to do.
But this is the reality!
I think this is the hard way.
For me, for example is very hard to overcome p if I lose my time on internet.
I think(I hope) after 30 days of no pm we build strong self-confidence.