I apologize for the late reply.
I want to be honest and say having a partner / someone that you are interested in makes it a lot easier. I suffered from PIED and was PMO'ing for over 8 years from quite young. I wanted to be able to be intimate asap, so I thought it would be best to go cold turkey. Fuck me it was DIFFICULT but that motivation really drove me on. I think it was a risky method and still is, because if thins don't work out with your partner, it can fully kill your motivation. If I really had crazy urges all day, I would MO without just from imagination, but please note this does set back your recovery. For my journey, I knew I would end up looking at P if I started looking at other stuff. The way forward for me was definitely cold turkey and I think it worked best. But everyone is different, so I genuinely think you have to figure out what works for you.
Thank you so much for your comment. I agree with everything you’ve said, except for the MO part. If I engage in MO, I end up returning to porn and then doing PMO.
I have tried no PMO in the past. I made it to 90 days when I first started but I relapsed and went back to my old ways. I am taking a different approach. I have quit looking at psubs but still allowing MO, just until I have psubs under control where I feel like I don't need to look at it anymore. I plan on doing this for 90 days and try to refrain from MO as much as possible. So far I have a streak of no PMO for 7 days then MO'ed. But I still continue no Psubs. This is the approach I think will work for me. I already feel the difference with a few days of no PMO. It is very beneficial, mood has changed, I feel more focused and smarter so it allows me to do the things I want to accomplish. I think you should find what works best for you. I feel like I am progressing with this approach so this is what I will do.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. As I mentioned earlier, MO without porn always leads me back to porn, i.e., PMO. It’s strange to me how this doesn’t seem to happen the same way for others. Could you share your secret?
i'm actually putting in 0 effort not to jack off these days. it took me a while to get here. but if you keep trying, if you keep growing, you will eventually put this behind you.
This is awesome, and I’ve been experiencing the same thing for about a year now. I have low libido because I don’t eat much meat and I avoid looking at women. However, when I do look at them, I struggle to control myself and often end up doing PMO.
But be aware: even if you avoid looking at women or sexually provocative content online or on billboards, your body can still become aroused in unexpected ways. What will you do in those situations? That’s the most important part. You could lose all your progress in a moment if you don’t have a plan.
if you went from jacking off everyday, every few days, or every week, to once or twice in the last 18 days. that doesn't mean you're a failure. that's progress. failure would be not trying again.
Yes, ten years ago I used to PMO every day, sometimes multiple times a day, but nowadays it’s only a couple of times a month. I think that’s progress, but I still feel like a loser, lol.
personal advice: get the fuck off social media. i reinstall social media for 2 weeks at the beginning of every semester in college so i can checkout any clubs i'm interested it, but past that i stay the fuck off. you still need to consume content and let your body fill it's social meter somehow. i recommend getting a used kindle paperwhite and downloading some books so you have content. as for people i recommend a martial arts club or sports club. i know you're not in college. but you don't have to be in college for this.
I agree with you, but I have this thing called FOMO (fear of missing out). Whether it’s news or any other new content, I don’t want to miss it. Awful habit.
I have a lot of books—actually, we have 35,000 books in our house. They belong to my brother, who sells them online. Books are great for quality content, but they don’t provide the kind of shitposts, memes, or news that someone like me enjoys.