Has anybody seen the UK show Naked Attraction?

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Deleted Account

Has anybody seen a show that was in in the UK and might be on some streaming services in the US called “Naked Attraction”?
If you have…
1. Did you consider it porn?
2. Would you have been offended if your partner watched it?
3. Did you find it interesting?
Checking in with you. You're posting a lot lately, with questions about some pretty explicit stuff (pubic hair preferences, shows with explicit nudity and sexual situations, talking about a recent relapse). Are you doing okay or would you like to find someone to talk to? Have you reached out to an AP recently to check in?
Yeah, now that you mention it, this might not be the best forum for such questions. They might be triggering to some on here :emoji_thinking: oops. :emoji_head_bandage:
I’m not nearing relapse or slipping because of these questions.
They are just things that rattle around in my head and it feels connecting to get input on them.
This one is based on the fact that I saw a few episodes of the show back in 2020 and decided it was not something for me. What did appeal to me was openness of people not being hidden in any way and not hiding anything about their bodies. And open discussions and comments about what is appealing to some. It kind of scratched a worthiness wound for me I guess.
Anyway, you make a good point. Maybe I should take a break from all the posts or at least consider the audience. It’s nice to feel connected, but it’s also fake on here because we don’t really know each other. :emoji_shrug: