Has anyone been through with porn n ejaculation effects?

Mindful wolf

U all guys are here because of porn bad effects n want to get off it. I just wanted to know for a hope that is there anyone who have been masturbating to porn for more than 10+ years on regular basis & is still able to be a father i.e, he could have impregnated her wife without problem?
I wanted it to know for a hope because I highly doubt myself due to bad effect of masturbation.
If you want to know you can go get a test done to check sperm count and health.
Aside from that, staying away from PMO is going to increase your chances of being a father when you are ready. Not only that but a better husband as well.
Ive been doing it for over 25 years...my wife just had a baby in December. You should be fine ;)
Congratulations & thankyou, but just wanted to know that I’m chronic addict, I’ve just went max 4 days streak without masturbation, do u have any idea about retrograde ejaculation, can it b cured by ur own?
How does your counter read 500+ days without porn & mast, when you say that you are currently M to P in this and another post? Just curious. Thanks.
How does your counter read 500+ days without porn & mast, when you say that you are currently M to P in this and another post? Just curious. Thanks.
Thing is like that i just set out n i don't b active always, i only come here when i do excess masturbation watching porn n i find some motivation i come here.