
Hello, i Am 17 year Old,I started Nofap Like 3 months ago, but i failed over and over, my longest streak was 19 days, Now im day 17 And im getting serious about it. i am addicted to porn like for 3 years. FEMDOM/BDSM/CUCKOLD/FOOT FETISH(foot fetish i dont mind tho, but yeah) im seeing Difference, Eye contact With women, Confidence, Taking 2 Coldshower ,almost everyday, Some days only One cold shower which is fine. I am working out everyday 6x times in week, Going for some walks almost everyday. still have fantasies Femdom, Im fighting it tho at least As much i can. My erection actually Sometimes it works sometimes not, Like when i think about femdom 100% erection, When i think having Sex or something like that, Will not, Once in while When i think about sex it Could give me Erections. So i have Some questions: Has ever Anyone like getting turning On from Vanilla sex, And not having Femdom Fantasies very often? and yeah, at what day have you starting Seeing changes From this s**it Femdom? i love Nofap tho, im seeing differences with female attraction to. Thanks For Your Time And For Your Answers!!
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As you reboot those thoughts will fade away, they might still pop up from time to time - just ignore them the best you can. Eventually "normal" fantasies will be enough but I do not recommend doing that since they can cause a relapse or craving. Try to occupy yourself with anything that you can think of - exercising as you do is good and cold showers. Reading, walking, stretching also good things as well as learning new skills like cooking etc. God bless you.
Yes, I was into femdom and i used to have fantasies all the time, Now they are rare. Most of the times I feel like my atitute towards femdom has changed from pesurable to disgusting. On the other hand, It is normal to fail at the begining in the first streaks. But it was not a waste of time you get more discipline and control. In addition, now you know what makes you relapse you can create an strategy to avoid your triggers.
You already understood you have to get rid of this fetishes. One thing you can try is to write a list of the bad effects this femdom porn had in your life. Low Self steem for example, is a result of absorbing all of this humiliation in those videos. This list will come to your mind when you are considering relapse and it will perhaps help you.
Yesterday I was reading about the origin of these fetishes, the author make a good argument, I can't asure it is true but it makes sense for me:
Obiusly we don't really like pain or suffering, but we like to endure these experiences because very deep in ourselves we percive it is a way to conect with an atractive women. In the past we probably had an event of shame or fear for the desires of woman's body. Now we like to control every aspect of our lives, and that control prevents us to get in in contact with women. We like to give up that control(with submmision) in order to get liberated sexually. That liberation let us to admit and be in a state in which we crave for women.
As you can see those femdom fetishes are artificial bridges we build in our lives for a baisc priority in our animal brain, that is the oposite sex. We need to build real natural links with women, not trough fetishes but by normal human behavior. Talking with them for example, and it must be as natural human beings not putting them in a pedestal.

You can overcome this. Sorry if I did mistakes English is not my first language.