Has anyone here experienced chronic fatigue which they think was linked to porn?


For the past 2-3 years it seems like no matter how much I sleep I always feel like shit when I wake up. Usually I get to feeling better over the course of the day (and generally I feel best at night before I go to sleep), but getting through the early and mid-day can be really tough for me.

It's not that I'm falling asleep necessary, but I just feel... shitty. I can feel it behind my eyes; kind of like my eyes just want to close all the time. I feel like I have virtually zero energy to do anything like exercise, socialize, etc.

I'm wondering, is it possible this could be attributed to porn and whatever changes it's made in my brain, potentially as it relates to dopamine sensitivity? Has anyone experienced similar things and felt better after abstaining from PMO for a certain period of time?

I used to think that it was allergies but testing didn't really support that hypothesis. I also have done two sleep studies and neither one has found anything substantially wrong with me.
I experience it too, since 7-8 years i suppose, I'm on 23 day of no pmo and sometimes it's better (hours when i have a lot of energy), however im addicted since 7y of my childhood so I think i need much more time to totally recover from this chronic lack of energy.
Absolutely. In fact it's not just porn but ejaculation in general that really messes me up. I had chronic fatigue throughout my life but never realized a lot of it had to do with masturbating and ejaculating at least twice a day every day. Now I'm over 40 days in on total retention and I can confidently tell you that it makes a huge difference in my life. I'm truly amazed.
For the past 2-3 years it seems like no matter how much I sleep I always feel like shit when I wake up. Usually I get to feeling better over the course of the day (and generally I feel best at night before I go to sleep), but getting through the early and mid-day can be really tough for me.

It's not that I'm falling asleep necessary, but I just feel... shitty. I can feel it behind my eyes; kind of like my eyes just want to close all the time. I feel like I have virtually zero energy to do anything like exercise, socialize, etc.

I'm wondering, is it possible this could be attributed to porn and whatever changes it's made in my brain, potentially as it relates to dopamine sensitivity? Has anyone experienced similar things and felt better after abstaining from PMO for a certain period of time?

I used to think that it was allergies but testing didn't really support that hypothesis. I also have done two sleep studies and neither one has found anything substantially wrong with me.
Please give this a read.. I think you and i have the same issue.. Only what i have is the more chronic form of it..
Absolutely. In fact it's not just porn but ejaculation in general that really messes me up. I had chronic fatigue throughout my life but never realized a lot of it had to do with masturbating and ejaculating at least twice a day every day. Now I'm over 40 days in on total retention and I can confidently tell you that it makes a huge difference in my life. I'm truly amazed.
Can u give this a read.. Please.. Tell me if your symptoms and mine match.. Please
For the past 2-3 years it seems like no matter how much I sleep I always feel like shit when I wake up. Usually I get to feeling better over the course of the day (and generally I feel best at night before I go to sleep), but getting through the early and mid-day can be really tough for me.

It's not that I'm falling asleep necessary, but I just feel... shitty. I can feel it behind my eyes; kind of like my eyes just want to close all the time. I feel like I have virtually zero energy to do anything like exercise, socialize, etc.

I'm wondering, is it possible this could be attributed to porn and whatever changes it's made in my brain, potentially as it relates to dopamine sensitivity? Has anyone experienced similar things and felt better after abstaining from PMO for a certain period of time?

I used to think that it was allergies but testing didn't really support that hypothesis. I also have done two sleep studies and neither one has found anything substantially wrong with me.
Maybe. I've been to the doctor several times to see if my problems were due to low sunlight, vitamin deficiency etc, but it might just be that I've been pulling my dick for years. I'm less tired now that I don't ejaculate and often don't masturbate.
For the past 2-3 years it seems like no matter how much I sleep I always feel like shit when I wake up. Usually I get to feeling better over the course of the day (and generally I feel best at night before I go to sleep), but getting through the early and mid-day can be really tough for me.

It's not that I'm falling asleep necessary, but I just feel... shitty. I can feel it behind my eyes; kind of like my eyes just want to close all the time. I feel like I have virtually zero energy to do anything like exercise, socialize, etc.

I'm wondering, is it possible this could be attributed to porn and whatever changes it's made in my brain, potentially as it relates to dopamine sensitivity? Has anyone experienced similar things and felt better after abstaining from PMO for a certain period of time?

I used to think that it was allergies but testing didn't really support that hypothesis. I also have done two sleep studies and neither one has found anything substantially wrong with me.
When i saw ur post i thought about what i have, what issue i have had all these years.. The symptoms are the same.. My eyes feel like closing all the time.. People say i look sleepy even when ive had 9+hours of sleep.. I feel tired no matter how much i sleep and i couldnt get anything in blood tests.. Doctors have ruled out any medical issue.. Read my piece if you wanna compare more symptoms.. Maybe we can pin point masturbation as the sole cause of all this.. Here... https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?t...long-years-life-has-fallen-apart-help.316993/
Now its normal to get a little"lazy" after a quickie but you shouldnt feel like being hit by a truck , thats not normal ,as most people dont feel that way
It might be something neurological, just from having a load not bigger than a spit and just fapping a few minutes isnt gonna burn too much calories or waste any significant amount of nutrients.
The reason is that I believe why most people who have some sort of anxiety and a relation with PMO , is an overload of information or weaker pathways or some of the two.
Like in relation to amps ,volts,ohm and watts
You can burn an equipment over long period of maximum watt usage but you can also burn in an instant it at using wrong imputs for amps/volts.

In short your brain gets over excited too fast and too strong and it "believes" you ran a marathon even when you didnt ,its also a pattern in people with anxiety who cant "turn" off thinking /overthinking ,they are somehow linked.
Now that I think about ,some effects can happen like this even after a short traumatic event.I think for some people the brain cant tell apart a scare event from a over excited stimulaton.
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Now its normal to get a little"lazy" after a quickie but you shouldnt feel like being hit by a truck , thats not normal ,as most people dont feel that way
It might be something neurological, just from having a load not bigger than a spit and just fapping a few minutes isnt gonna burn too much calories or waste any significant amount of nutrients.
The reason is that I believe why most people who have some sort of anxiety and a relation with PMO , is an overload of information or weaker pathways or some of the two.
Like in relation to amps ,volts,ohm and watts
You can burn an equipment over long period of maximum watt usage but you can also burn in an instant it at using wrong imputs for amps/volts.

In short your brain gets over excited too fast and too strong and it "believes" you ran a marathon even when you didnt ,its also a pattern in people with anxiety who cant "turn" off thinking /overthinking ,they are somehow linked.
Now that I think about ,some effects can happen like this even after a short traumatic event.I think for some people the brain cant tell apart a scare event from a over excited stimulaton.
For the past 2-3 years it seems like no matter how much I sleep I always feel like shit when I wake up. Usually I get to feeling better over the course of the day (and generally I feel best at night before I go to sleep), but getting through the early and mid-day can be really tough for me.

It's not that I'm falling asleep necessary, but I just feel... shitty. I can feel it behind my eyes; kind of like my eyes just want to close all the time. I feel like I have virtually zero energy to do anything like exercise, socialize, etc.

I'm wondering, is it possible this could be attributed to porn and whatever changes it's made in my brain, potentially as it relates to dopamine sensitivity? Has anyone experienced similar things and felt better after abstaining from PMO for a certain period of time?

I used to think that it was allergies but testing didn't really support that hypothesis. I also have done two sleep studies and neither one has found anything substantially wrong with me.
I think there is a difference between a quick wank and 'edging' for hours. Neither work for me, but edging is a porn-horror-hole that seems to mess up the brain.
Please read this.. I have the same issue.. I need some context.. Maybe what u feel and what i feel, the fatigue , the tiredness, is all linked..lets get to the root of this.

Right up front I want to say I'm sorry for the length of this post :p...

So, I did read your post and it sounds fairly similar to what I've been dealing with for about 5 months now. I've never had a long enough streak to prove one way or another whether this is linked to pmo (hence why I posted here for answers), but I certainly suspect that it is. I will share with you some posts that I gathered from various people in different forums, hopefully it will help give you some hope. Some of them might not be that clear without context, but just know that everyone of them is in relation to fatigue or energy and pmo. I got them from Nofap, Reddit, Your Brain on Porn and a few others...here you go

-Well for me, I also suffered from the symptoms u have described and now I am safe to say after about 78 days of abstinence all of these symptoms have disappeared i have way more energy now

- Before I dealt sometimes with fatigue I was tired most of the time . But one important thing is when you do this you're not tired as before. I haven't had such a good energy on years I feel like everything is possible all that you're afraid of and all your fear will darken away

-I know exactly what this is like...the fatigue continued for me up until around 2 months no PMO/MO/O - then it improved immensely. I relapsed last night after a 94 days no O.
Just hang in there, it does get better,i was in hell for a few weeks.

-Fatigue and shortness of breath had disappeared in my 109 days streak

-You will definitely feel a lot of energy, and vitality

-some benefits I’ve experienced during last 3 months.

For starters I got rid of chronicle fatigue. This means more energy through day

-When you reach a certain point (for me it was briefly after reaching 90 days) you will start to experience higher energy

-NoFap literally transforms you. I simply started it as an experiment though its benefits are immaculate. NoFap leads to surplus energy

-Initial symptoms took about 2 months to go away when I started rebooting.

-It gives you energy, self control and confidence. Mark these words its true. I am not joking, I myself have felt it.

-6 months for me.

-When I still did P, it made me tired. Both physical and mental. Now I don't have that problem anymore.

-Yes but it takes a while, for me around two months.

-it has been almost 4 years since my last 30 days+ and back then I felt amazing too. It can only get better, just imagine how you will feel like after 100 days... 300 days... etc forever.

-Thankfully the fatigue is nowhere near as bad or prevalent as it was in the beginning

-Fatigue is the first symptom of mine that is almost gone

-Changes After 31 days
I Expected to get a little better but I didn’t expect what I felt:

1. Chest pains and palpitations vanished completely
2. Mental clarity returned, I spoke with amazing coherency.
3. I could get only 4 hours of sleep a day and still feel strong like Hercules the next morning.
8. Most importantly, I wasn’t waking up with anxiety and panic attacks every morning again as the chemical imbalance in my brain had been repaired.

-I'm convinced that PMO caused my adrenal fatigue, which is basically just a colloquial term for HPA-axis dysregulation. I've been free of PMO for exactly 50 days now, and I can already feel that all my physiological problems are in the beginning phases of correcting themselves.

-I have experienced all of these symptoms during my recovery but you will find that over time they are all less intense and less frequent.

-Yes, I have definitely experienced huge improvement in energy after rebooting.

-I used to not be able to spend even a whole day at school or work and would fall asleep sometimes due to severe fatigue. Now my energy levels are very even throughout the day and they don't dip. I am able to focus a lot more on the task at hand and I feel a lot more productive.

-I've been doing NoFap for a little over a year now, and it has definitely helped my adrenal fatigue. I still don't feel 100% better, but I can tell it's helping.

-One of the pathological consequences of over masturbation is the buildup of cortisol in the body. Cortisol, known as a stress hormone, creates a host of harmful side effects when overproduced. It commonly leads to chronic fatigue

-I’m less tired. About a year ago during the summer holidays I would binge with PMO every night for weeks. I started to feel really tired and weak during the day to the point I’ve seen a doctor about it. It never occured to me that me PMOing every night could have something to do with it

- I got to 3 weeks and actually felt a lot better

-Exhaustion is a symptom of PMO. I've been struggling with it for a long time. PMO is way more powerful than you'd think in terms of it's effects on your physical health. Like you, no issues with depression (or ED), but I've had a list of 30+ physical problems that all clear up with a sustained no-PMO streak

-I’ve done 6 months of NoFap and my fatigue has seemed to improve a lot . 3 months wasn’t enough for me but 6 I’ve seen bigger improvements. The biggest thing to improve due to NoFap is 80-90% less brain fog.

-might be broscience but i definitely feel more energetic and healthier.

-100% pmo free since i post this, and i do feel better after 1 month now

-Upon waking in the morning I will struggle to get out of bed. It's that feeling of wanting to snooze non-stop and not get up. However once you get up and about, 9/10 times you will feel fine

unfortunately brain fog still exists, however it is NOWHERE near as bad as it was 3/6 months ago.

-I would often feel tired. While doing this no PMO (100 days today) it's gotten better at times. In the last two or three weeks I've had days where I feel really energetic, and in general I've been waking up earlier ready to go, without the need to keep sleeping like I used to.

-Agree 100% with this. I used to be sort of tired and lifeless throughout the day but couldn't fall asleep until 2 or 3 am at the earliest, having to wake up at 8 am.
Now I feel much more "natural," like I did a decade ago or so - tired at 10 pm, wake up at 6 am completely rested. If I don't get a full 8 hrs, I can still wake up no problem (this was very, very hard for me while on PMO).

Time is the best healer I needed 5-6 months of monk mode to lift it, BUT you will surely need less. I was addicted before you were born

-have been dealing with this shit for such a long time, it destroyed my life. I got anxious and depressed. My grades started falling off. And i was once a bright intelligent guy who used to learn stuff pretty quick. Then the brain fog came and it hindered me so much. I hated even waking up, didn't want to really live because of it. I tried everything from diets to doctor visits to allergies and nothing helped me. At one point i thought I had MS. But then i found out about NoFap, and boy did that do the trick in my case. Right now, i can say that i am 100% me again. Colors are once more bright. I love waking up and just getting out of bed fully rested once again. My energy is through the roof, i am working out twice a day. I can also finally have normal conversations without stuttering and trying to remember the right word.

-go on nofap you will have no brain fog after, trust me on this one, thank me later
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Right up front I want to say I'm sorry for the length of this post :p...

So, I did read your post and it sounds fairly similar to what I've been dealing with for about 5 months now. I've never had a long enough streak to prove one way or another whether this is linked to pmo (hence why I posted here for answers), but I certainly suspect that it is. I will share with you some posts that I gathered, hopefully it will help give you some hope. Some of them might not be that clear without context, but just know that everyone of them is in relation to fatigue or energy and pmo. I got them from Nofap, Reddit, Your Brain on Porn and a few others...here you go

-Well for me, I also suffered from the symptoms u have described and now I am safe to say after about 78 days of abstinence all of these symptoms have disappeared i have way more energy now

- Before I dealt sometimes with fatigue I was tired most of the time . But one important thing is when you do this you're not tired as before. I haven't had such a good energy on years I feel like everything is possible all that you're afraid of and all your fear will darken away

-I know exactly what this is like...the fatigue continued for me up until around 2 months no PMO/MO/O - then it improved immensely. I relapsed last night after a 94 days no O.
Just hang in there, it does get better,i was in hell for a few weeks.

-Fatigue and shortness of breath had disappeared in my 109 days streak

-You will definitely feel a lot of energy, and vitality

-some benefits I’ve experienced during last 3 months.

For starters I got rid of chronicle fatigue. This means more energy through day

-When you reach a certain point (for me it was briefly after reaching 90 days) you will start to experience higher energy

-NoFap literally transforms you. I simply started it as an experiment though its benefits are immaculate. NoFap leads to surplus energy

-Initial symptoms took about 2 months to go away when I started rebooting.

-It gives you energy, self control and confidence. Mark these words its true. I am not joking, I myself have felt it.

-6 months for me.

-When I still did P, it made me tired. Both physical and mental. Now I don't have that problem anymore.

-Yes but it takes a while, for me around two months.

-it has been almost 4 years since my last 30 days+ and back then I felt amazing too. It can only get better, just imagine how you will feel like after 100 days... 300 days... etc forever.

-Thankfully the fatigue is nowhere near as bad or prevalent as it was in the beginning

-Fatigue is the first symptom of mine that is almost gone

-Changes After 31 days
I Expected to get a little better but I didn’t expect what I felt:

1. Chest pains and palpitations vanished completely
2. Mental clarity returned, I spoke with amazing coherency.
3. I could get only 4 hours of sleep a day and still feel strong like Hercules the next morning.
8. Most importantly, I wasn’t waking up with anxiety and panic attacks every morning again as the chemical imbalance in my brain had been repaired.

-I'm convinced that PMO caused my adrenal fatigue, which is basically just a colloquial term for HPA-axis dysregulation. I've been free of PMO for exactly 50 days now, and I can already feel that all my physiological problems are in the beginning phases of correcting themselves.

-I have experienced all of these symptoms during my recovery but you will find that over time they are all less intense and less frequent.

-Yes, I have definitely experienced huge improvement in energy after rebooting.

-I used to not be able to spend even a whole day at school or work and would fall asleep sometimes due to severe fatigue. Now my energy levels are very even throughout the day and they don't dip. I am able to focus a lot more on the task at hand and I feel a lot more productive.

-I've been doing NoFap for a little over a year now, and it has definitely helped my adrenal fatigue. I still don't feel 100% better, but I can tell it's helping.

-One of the pathological consequences of over masturbation is the buildup of cortisol in the body. Cortisol, known as a stress hormone, creates a host of harmful side effects when overproduced. It commonly leads to chronic fatigue

-I’m less tired. About a year ago during the summer holidays I would binge with PMO every night for weeks. I started to feel really tired and weak during the day to the point I’ve seen a doctor about it. It never occured to me that me PMOing every night could have something to do with it

- I got to 3 weeks and actually felt a lot better

-Exhaustion is a symptom of PMO. I've been struggling with it for a long time. PMO is way more powerful than you'd think in terms of it's effects on your physical health. Like you, no issues with depression (or ED), but I've had a list of 30+ physical problems that all clear up with a sustained no-PMO streak

-I’ve done 6 months of NoFap and my fatigue has seemed to improve a lot . 3 months wasn’t enough for me but 6 I’ve seen bigger improvements. The biggest thing to improve due to NoFap is 80-90% less brain fog.

-might be broscience but i definitely feel more energetic and healthier.

-100% pmo free since i post this, and i do feel better after 1 month now

-Upon waking in the morning I will struggle to get out of bed. It's that feeling of wanting to snooze non-stop and not get up. However once you get up and about, 9/10 times you will feel fine

unfortunately brain fog still exists, however it is NOWHERE near as bad as it was 3/6 months ago.

-I would often feel tired. While doing this no PMO (100 days today) it's gotten better at times. In the last two or three weeks I've had days where I feel really energetic, and in general I've been waking up earlier ready to go, without the need to keep sleeping like I used to.

-Agree 100% with this. I used to be sort of tired and lifeless throughout the day but couldn't fall asleep until 2 or 3 am at the earliest, having to wake up at 8 am.
Now I feel much more "natural," like I did a decade ago or so - tired at 10 pm, wake up at 6 am completely rested. If I don't get a full 8 hrs, I can still wake up no problem (this was very, very hard for me while on PMO).

Time is the best healer I needed 5-6 months of monk mode to lift it, BUT you will surely need less. I was addicted before you were born

-have been dealing with this shit for such a long time, it destroyed my life. I got anxious and depressed. My grades started falling off. And i was once a bright intelligent guy who used to learn stuff pretty quick. Then the brain fog came and it hindered me so much. I hated even waking up, didn't want to really live because of it. I tried everything from diets to doctor visits to allergies and nothing helped me. At one point i thought I had MS. But then i found out about NoFap, and boy did that do the trick in my case. Right now, i can say that i am 100% me again. Colors are once more bright. I love waking up and just getting out of bed fully rested once again. My energy is through the roof, i am working out twice a day. I can also finally have normal conversations without stuttering and trying to remember the right word.

-go on nofap you will have no brain fog after, trust me on this one, thank me later
Im so thankful to you for the reassurance..
I can really relate with everything you wrote and i strongly feel like onto something big here.. The detail of this post was the best thing.. I think i've finally found a cure for this mysterious ailment of mine.. And all because supportive members of this forum share their symptoms and experiences so unequivocally..
I remember the time when i used to be a good student and then i took the purge..its been 2 years since i completed school.. Im well into my 3rd drop year..and even now if i could cure myself i will have a chance to pursue a career in law..thank you for all the effort you put in ur post.. Felt like an epiphany.!!
Im so thankful to you for the reassurance..
I can really relate with everything you wrote and i strongly feel like onto something big here.. The detail of this post was the best thing.. I think i've finally found a cure for this mysterious ailment of mine.. And all because supportive members of this forum share their symptoms and experiences so unequivocally..
I remember the time when i used to be a good student and then i took the purge..its been 2 years since i completed school.. Im well into my 3rd drop year..and even now if i could cure myself i will have a chance to pursue a career in law..thank you for all the effort you put in ur post.. Felt like an epiphany.!!

You're very welcome, I'm glad it helped. I think its time we get a nice long streak going and get our lives back. Best of luck to you
When i saw ur post i thought about what i have, what issue i have had all these years.. The symptoms are the same.. My eyes feel like closing all the time.. People say i look sleepy even when ive had 9+hours of sleep.. I feel tired no matter how much i sleep and i couldnt get anything in blood tests.. Doctors have ruled out any medical issue.. Read my piece if you wanna compare more symptoms.. Maybe we can pin point masturbation as the sole cause of all this.. Here... https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?t...long-years-life-has-fallen-apart-help.316993/
I felt completely the same when I was your age, my cause for this extreme tiredness was depression and when I started studying hard and found purpose in my life I changed myself for the better..