Healing the brain with supplements

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by lonercub, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. lonercub

    lonercub Fapstronaut

    I was wondering what supplements can be taken in tandem with our efforts to end PMO?

    Knowing that our dopamine system is messed up, and the neural reward circuits has been hardwired to behave a certain is there anything we can do to heal ourselves?

    I know neuro-plasticity is quite important and dopamine sensitivity. What supplements can we take to reverse the damage?


    Loner Cub
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
    Thomas Vanhaecht likes this.
  2. there is no quick fix buddy. you got to wait it out. it will come back, don't worry, that's the good news.
    WesternWolf and Islanders190 like this.
  3. hi there, but here is the other good news. the self control will help you with other things in life to. being able to set harder goals, and do more. look at it like that to. things do get better.
  4. ASmitty

    ASmitty Fapstronaut

    Disclaimer: My advice is worth exactly what you pay for it ....... but I found great success working with a naturopathic doctor. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, which after some testing we discovered was a bio-chemical issue with my body's dopamine production and ability to get it into the synapse. Addictive behavior is a symptom of dopamine deficiency. The right natural supplements and meds prescribed by my naturopath made a world of difference.

    Anyway, just my $0.02.
  5. Yarramalli

    Yarramalli Fapstronaut

    Keep yourself busy.

    Put your passion to a bigger cause. Be passionate about creating something or making something.

    Be busy in spreading knowledge, and spreading Dharma. Day and night think of how you can reach out to people, and do some good work in life. Or write articles, write music; songs.
    When you are so busy then you will find that obsessions do not bother you.

    Especially the youth must keep themselves utterly busy. From morning when you wake up till night if you keep yourself very busy, none of this will bother you.

    That is how you should be; at the age of 20 to 25, you should be so busy. From six in the morning to one or two at night, you should be on the run.

    So, keep yourself very busy, especially in the age when the hormones play havoc. You will find that you can easily sail over all those obsessions, lust and everything.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. I've heard of addicts using niacin in their recovery, but no studies that I know of have shown conclusively that it helps with recovery. I don't think it will reverse any damage.
  7. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    I know supplements are all the hype lately but I seriously doubt that the average normal/healthy eating person sees any benefits from supplements. In my humble opinion it is literally money down the drain since it is likely you pee out 99% of the stuff.
    spaceexperiment likes this.
  8. lonercub

    lonercub Fapstronaut

  9. The only thing you can do to feel better instantly is to exercise. Exercising will make your body release a host of feel good particles called endorphins. It's the best nature has to offer. Look up 'runner's high'. Unfortunately the effect doesn't last longer than a couple of hours at best. But at least it gets you out of your grey zone for a little while, until your dopamine pathways are okay again. I for one, I don't really believe in the chemical drugs used to fight it. The best antidepressant out there really is exercise. And a healthy diet. Nofap of course is the most crucial. It's fundamental when it comes to changing your lifestyle.
    Hassan.A and WillyRonka like this.
  10. Nevertheless, there are some supplements you could take too... Good multivitamin maybe? For me I find things like folic acid really help to feel better.
  11. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    All I can say is be extremely careful of the placebo effect. Remember the first rule of science. People cannot be trusted. Literally. Human testimony is the lowest form of evidence there is. We humans are under all kind of delusions all the time. Always question everything. Above all else your own feelings and judgement.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  12. Yarramalli

    Yarramalli Fapstronaut


    Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Just as the buttermilk is thinned after the butter is removed, so also, semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of semen, the more the body deteriorates and weakens. The preservation of semen is the secret of good health and longevity, and of all success in the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual planes. He who has even a little bit of semen preservation will tide over a crisis of any disease very easily. It is also true that one who preserves semen striclty is usually not afflicted by any disease.

    After Dhanvantari, founder of Ayurveda (Herbal Medical Science) taught all details about this science, his students enquired about its keynote (essence). In the reply, master asserted," I tell you that semen is truly a precious jewel. It is the one most effective medicine-nectar indeed-, which destroys diseases, decay and death. For attaining peace, brightness, memory, knowledge, health and Self-realisation, one should observe the way of semen preservation, the highest Dharma, the highest knowledge, greatest strength. Saluting celibacy first, the cases beyond cure, I cure, Aye' celibacy can undo all
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Nofap can cure cancer?
  14. Yarramalli

    Yarramalli Fapstronaut

    if you already got cancer then the chances are less.
    so if you are not addicted to PMO too much then the chances of getting the cancer is also less.
  15. Everything999

    Everything999 Fapstronaut

    Ok I understand. Can provide me with some evidence for this claim?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
  16. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    You are looking for a quick fix, but there is only way:

    Overcome your fears.

    Get out, get real, challenge your brain with the real world and not with a digital copy.
  17. Do you Really need evidence for that? Next, you want evidence gravity pushes down as well?
  18. WillyRonka

    WillyRonka Fapstronaut

    Haritaki, activated charcoal, spirulina, selenium, and turmeric are some supplements I started taking daily a few months ago. Just giving you my daily routine.