Healthy Levels?

To me P should never ever be used especially in a relationship, its pointless and you don't need it period. My on the other hand I don't know, for me I know staying away is best but for others I think if they find a good balance and don't over do it they should be fine.

Personally when I'm fully rebooted and feel better instead of P and M I'll just have sex, it'll bring me closer to my SO and it'll be something I look forward to.
@Porn Killer yes its your opinion, because its not true. Based on research masturbation is good for prostate health.

I would like to watch p now and then, but i know its not possible. I will start MO sometime thought.
When you pose this question, I can't help but think about 'cheat days' when it comes to healthy eating. Is that kind of what you're referring to? "Is it okay to occasionally use P/M, so long as you're not binging from addictive behaviour?"

If so, then I've had the same thought. Although I now recognise that it's the addiction talking. If someone wasn't addicted to bad foods, then a 'cheat day' or occasional cupcake isn't going to harm them. But as you're on the nofap forum, then I gather that you're like the rest of us. If this was a forum for food addiction whilst trying lose weight, then it would be a dangerous game for people like us. We're addicts. And most addicts benefit from going cold turkey and staying sober because trying to find a healthy balance/level just doesn't work for people who have been addicted to a behaviour and substance in the past.

The more we treat this like a drug (addiction), the more likely we are to be able to move forward with our lives.
I feel that once or twice weekly MO pref without P if single wouldn't be too bad but if single and you don't find it easy to meet girls then setting some longer goals of nofap+no P, no M or no O can be a great motivator to work on dating or relationship skills.
For me the question sounds like "Are there healthy levels of theft?". Is it ok the steal sometimes or in some situations? Most people actually say yes, but few would frame it as healthy. I can understand why P is used by some and M is the inevitable result, but I won't call it healthy. It's a much better path to avoid both if at all possible, but be forgiving of mistakes.