Heavy porn addict

Kevin Owens1993

: Hello everyone. I'm a heavy hardcore addict. I am 30 years old and my addiction experience is about 15 years. I spent a lot of time edging, and my genres were very perverted. To be honest, I've been trying to reboot for 1.5 years, but gaining a few long streaks, I was faced with a relapse that threw me even more into the pit. At the moment I have almost six months of hard mode, but I feel as bad as ever. And I have extremely low energy levels, and most of the time I'm lying in bed. I have neither the strength nor the desire nor the energy to do anything.
: I have severe depression, pressure surges, intolerance to heat, cold. Hypoglycemia. Colitis in the head.. For a long time since I got involved with porn, I had this energy deficit. I went to the doctors and thought that I was sick with something and I had chronic fatigue syndrome. But the doctors found nothing. Please judge, does anyone have an opinion? Is this Withdrawal Syndrome for me? Is it PAWS?
: Hello everyone. I'm a heavy hardcore addict. I am 30 years old and my addiction experience is about 15 years. I spent a lot of time edging, and my genres were very perverted. To be honest, I've been trying to reboot for 1.5 years, but gaining a few long streaks, I was faced with a relapse that threw me even more into the pit. At the moment I have almost six months of hard mode, but I feel as bad as ever. And I have extremely low energy levels, and most of the time I'm lying in bed. I have neither the strength nor the desire nor the energy to do anything.
: I have severe depression, pressure surges, intolerance to heat, cold. Hypoglycemia. Colitis in the head.. For a long time since I got involved with porn, I had this energy deficit. I went to the doctors and thought that I was sick with something and I had chronic fatigue syndrome. But the doctors found nothing. Please judge, does anyone have an opinion? Is this Withdrawal Syndrome for me? Is it PAWS?
Go for the classic 90 Day Reboot and see if any of your symptoms remain. Theres a lot we still dont know about how this addiction affects the body.
@Kevin Owens1993 Hey bro, I am 32 years old. I am on day 67 of the current streak of many before. I have been battling this addiction for many years and 2023 has been the year I have been finally able to get many good streaks. Something I have noticed is that I got my life together before quitting PMO. I’ve been 3 years hitting the gym consistent. I have 2 businesses doing decent. I had a xa*ax addiction from 2012-2017 (not prescribed). I got out of doing street businesses (if you know what I mean). I stoped visiting escorts, dominatrixes and TS. That’s how deep I was. I don’t feel bad anymore for liking certain things that people think are not aprópiate for men. I am interested in women and having a family now. I have a gf.

Many people here battle with their sexuality and are ashamed of many things. Dopamine is dopamine and sex is sex. I don’t try to look for escorts or anything of the mentioned above because I know I will like it and relapse. Many people here peek at certain sites to see if they are still atracted to certain stuff. I just focus on my goals. I don’t feel less of a man for going down the rabbit hole. I have noticed that PMo is a coping mechanism for trauma. Without working on ourselves it’s impossible to quit.

I still have urges and I will continue to fight this enemy (addiction ) my whole life. Sometimes the urges are for extreme stuff. It is what it is. It’s just dopamine and sex. Nothing to be ashamed. Keep the battle to quit. Don’t try to understand it. Focus on your goals and fight for them.

I feel that many people talk a lot about PAWS but it’s more because the only thing they fixed in their life is that they quit PMO. Everything else is the same.

don’t know if anything of what I said is helpful to you. I just spit my truth because being in this site and hearing other people’s story has helped me. Plus fighting this addiction is my main goal and being here and writing helps me. Stay strong.
@Kevin Owens1993 Hey bro, I am 32 years old. I am on day 67 of the current streak of many before. I have been battling this addiction for many years and 2023 has been the year I have been finally able to get many good streaks. Something I have noticed is that I got my life together before quitting PMO. I’ve been 3 years hitting the gym consistent. I have 2 businesses doing decent. I had a xa*ax addiction from 2012-2017 (not prescribed). I got out of doing street businesses (if you know what I mean). I stoped visiting escorts, dominatrixes and TS. That’s how deep I was. I don’t feel bad anymore for liking certain things that people think are not aprópiate for men. I am interested in women and having a family now. I have a gf.

Many people here battle with their sexuality and are ashamed of many things. Dopamine is dopamine and sex is sex. I don’t try to look for escorts or anything of the mentioned above because I know I will like it and relapse. Many people here peek at certain sites to see if they are still atracted to certain stuff. I just focus on my goals. I don’t feel less of a man for going down the rabbit hole. I have noticed that PMo is a coping mechanism for trauma. Without working on ourselves it’s impossible to quit.

I still have urges and I will continue to fight this enemy (addiction ) my whole life. Sometimes the urges are for extreme stuff. It is what it is. It’s just dopamine and sex. Nothing to be ashamed. Keep the battle to quit. Don’t try to understand it. Focus on your goals and fight for them.

I feel that many people talk a lot about PAWS but it’s more because the only thing they fixed in their life is that they quit PMO. Everything else is the same.

don’t know if anything of what I said is helpful to you. I just spit my truth because being in this site and hearing other people’s story has helped me. Plus fighting this addiction is my main goal and being here and writing helps me. Stay strong.
Excellent reply and approach to rebuilding your life. Good advice for the OP.
Hey man, I can send over a book if youd like, I dont want to sound stereotypcial about just reading a book but I was down bad when I first read this book and its been a year and a half since Ive gone clean, you can check my profile if youd like to see my story, also I can send over the book for free, its a PDF called How to quit porn by Celibate Yogi the book is super easy and fast to read and if you make a commitment to it you can easily quit
I'm almost 35 and have been a hardcore addict for almost 18 years. Currently, I'm on day 37. Honestly I feel once you had a wake up call, it's easier to quit. Mine was when I became insanely jealous of other people, extreme self hatred, random crying sessions out of loneliness, and the worst one, I was beginning to develop incel thoughts.

Honestly, being a virgin at my age and no relationship for 11 years, I've realized in this streak that I've done it to myself and I need to get myself out of it
I abstained and my limit is 1 month and 1 week, now I'm trying to quit again, but it's very difficult because I work in a women's team.
: Hello everyone. I'm a heavy hardcore addict. I am 30 years old and my addiction experience is about 15 years. I spent a lot of time edging, and my genres were very perverted. To be honest, I've been trying to reboot for 1.5 years, but gaining a few long streaks, I was faced with a relapse that threw me even more into the pit. At the moment I have almost six months of hard mode, but I feel as bad as ever. And I have extremely low energy levels, and most of the time I'm lying in bed. I have neither the strength nor the desire nor the energy to do anything.
: I have severe depression, pressure surges, intolerance to heat, cold. Hypoglycemia. Colitis in the head.. For a long time since I got involved with porn, I had this energy deficit. I went to the doctors and thought that I was sick with something and I had chronic fatigue syndrome. But the doctors found nothing. Please judge, does anyone have an opinion? Is this Withdrawal Syndrome for me? Is it PAWS?


Six months is a very good streak bro. Maybe right now you are indeed suffering of paws. The thread I linked above is about this topic. Maybe you'll find the right answer there.