Hello boiz

Jeff Martin

New Fapstronaut
Hi guys,
I'm brand new to nofap and really hoping it will change my life. My story is that I have been masterbating ever since I was 13 eaither once or twice a day to porn. I never considered myself an addict, but recently I have gotten some serious erection issues. About three months ago I started to notice much softer erections and it really hurt my confidence. I still masterbated all the time but with much weaker erections. It got to the point where I need to jerk off to just to go to sleep at night. About three weeks ago I tried to have sex with my girlfriend and just couldn't get hard enough. This killed me, I love my girlffriend and not being able to please her hurt me so much. I have lost my random erections and my libido. Obviously this is crushing for someone at just 18 years old. I'm in college now and my girlfriend is in highschool so I'm hoping my erections get a little better by the time I go home. I am on day four without jerking off and my girlfriend was sendkng me nudes and I was very close to relapsing, but I'm lookjng to be cured and I'm glad to have some boys along the journey with me.
Hi @Jeff Martin
Glad you are here. And very welcome to join us in our journey to a healthy, fulfilling life without any self harming habits.

It's a safe place here. We all are in the same boat, so there is no single space for judgement here.
Maybe it's a good idea to keep a journal. Sharing your struggles, thoughts and feelings may help you to understand the underlying issues.

It's time to think about other ways to fell asleep. Do you have some?

Keep coming back and get the most effort out of nofap!
You don't need to do it alone!

I wish you lots of luck!
Welcome Jeff!
I'm brand new to nofap and really hoping it will change my life.
It will - just commit to it and stick to it. You will probably still relapse again, and again, and again like most of us. But with the help of all the buddies you will find here, you will relapse less and less and less. I feel your pain for not being able to have an erection, but that will get better with time, just be patient. Good luck on your new journey!
Welcome, Jeff. In “The Art Of War” by Sun Tzu, the only way to defeat an enemy is to study him & learn his ways & methods, & what you must to do defeat him. Porn addiction is a hideous disease.

Many of us here have found we are also sex addicts. I am, I’ve been a sex addict since I was 10 & discovered boys. We didn’t know how to wank yet & we played doctor A LOT. At age 12 I learned to jack at summer camp with all the boys in my cabin in a circle jerk, lol. Suddenly my whole world went technicolor, complete with fireworks. I didn’t find web porn til 1988 when my partner gave me my first Mac. I quickly found the first web images that were only available in binary format on newsgroups. I was immediately hooked.

That was a little of my story for you. Here is the important part: study this addiction, learn everything you can about it. As a new “scholar”, immerse yourself in your education about this, there are tons of resources, I have many & will happily share them.

The most important one is a YouTube vid by Gary Wilson, “Your Brain on Porn: How Internet porn affects the brain”:

Gary is a researcher who has studied porn addiction for some time and describes the neuroscience of the addiction mechanism in the brain. The way porn addiction works is exactly the same way that alcohol and drug addiction work, but the “hit” or “high” from porn is many times stronger than heroin. His website is: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com

Gary has others, too. Noah Church is another guy with amazing YouTubes. Check him out too.

All the best -