Hello everyone. I am new here.


I am in the middle of breaking into a new career, and it's tough, but I am gradually getting closer. I also like martial arts but haven't had the chance to explore it deeply in my life, but I want to change that. I am looking into Wudang and swordsmanship.

Motivation: I have been following Dr. Trish and her program PornBrainRewire and am part of her program, but I got distracted from life to finish her program. Sometimes I watch her videos on YouTube, and they are really helpful when one is struggling because explain things in a very scientific and objective manner explaining how this unbalance affects one's life and brain. I have relapses when I least expect it, and I feel like I need the support of a community to permanently change. Dr. Trish would probably recommend that I join here because using any means to overcome this is what one needs, I am also tired of relapses and failed streaks.