Hello, I am a newbie here need some help please


New Fapstronaut
Hello, Guys, I don't know should we give our names or not so I am not going to say it if you inform about it I will say it. I started nofap for quitting porn because of my religion and for my own good. What is like the motive for yourselves how to do you guys force or control your rehearses. Before I write this one I have tried the Emergency button on this site but it didn't work out. And like what is steps to quit porn like basic ones and advanced ones starting steps all kind of things or how you quit it the whole story behind of how you quit it. I am so sorry if I expressed myself poorly and badly because I am not a native or my English is not perfect and this is my first time using this type of thing like a forum or other thing so thank you to people who at least read my little text and tried it and the ones answered.
Welcome to NoFap.

You don't have to mention what your name is. One of the best ways to quit PMO is to control your thoughts. When you've got a picture of a woman/man in your mind, replace those thoughts with something else. I think about Jesus Christ on the cross whenever I have lust in my mind; and it fights off the lust.
Hi Stealth,

I have religious beliefs as well, which the addiction has caused me a lot of shame and guilt in the past. Pat yourself on the back for coming here. Here are some basic ideas to quit porn:

1. Get out of isolation (For me it was playing videogames or watching tv for hours by myself)
2. Take care of yourself (Exercise, eating healthy, and having a balanced life can help)
3. Reach out to others!!! If you feel yourself struggling, call someone, it has saved me more times than I can count!
4. Get rid of all things related to the addiction (Porn videos saved on computer, magazines, etc)
5. Participate in a community. Maybe your religion has a men's group where you can talk about your struggles. There are also phone meetings or other 12 step recovery fellowships available.
6. Pray in the morning/evening for protection from porn/obsessive thoughts etc. I like to pray when I really feel the urges to look at porn.

I wish you the best of luck my friend on your journey.

- Andrew