Mastrubation and Porn have been a problem for a while now. Puberty hit me hard... Harder than i could handle, on the outside in calm, athletic, and very mature. I rarely and i mean RARELY talk about my sexuality and interest in girls like the other boys nevertheless inside im a mess at times, too often in fact and it leads me to mastrubation and porn, this... Addiction has gone on for long enough have been battling with it the whole of 2016 and im just sick of it. I know i can abstain, when i have strong feelings for a crush: abstaining becomes soo easy as they are on my mind and i just dont want to look at other girls but right now i cant get into a relationship with me being in high school and all, my parents would kill me (they dont know about my addiction) The frustration and helplessness of my situation builds up - exams, bottling up my romantic feelings, boredom each contribute and eventually lead to me relapsing, its pitiful - i know but i know i can overcome this. I will not give up the new year has come - i believe i am learning to controll my romantic emotions, its time to renew/free my mind to end the conflict within myself - its just holding me back... Soo yea that basically how i got here, i'll take all the advice, encouragement and help that i can. Thanks for reading